About ECMF

The broad goal of the Eastern Conference on Mathematics Finance (ECMF) series is to bring together researchers from the Eastern United States and Canada to present some recent advances in the area of mathematical finance to a wide range of participants including faculty members, practitioners, postdoctoral researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. The ECMF series was initiated in 2016, as a three-days event, and held in the Spring 2016 at WPI. The plan going forward is to hold the conference on a yearly basis, targeting the Fall semester. Inquires about hosting next ECMF should be addressed to the ECMF steering committee.

ECMF Series Steering Committee

Agostino Capponi, Columbia University, ac3827@columbia.edu

Igor Cialenco, Illinois Institute of Technology, cialenco@iit.edu

Stephan Sturm, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, ssturm@wpi.edu

Previous ECMFs

1st ECMF, March 2016 - Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)

2nd ECMF, November 2017 – Columbia University and New York University (NYU)

3rd ECMF, October 2018 - Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech)

Visit ECMF series web-site for more info and future hosting institutions.