Sample Work

An Argument for Research-Driven Literacy Pedagogy

Literature review of research findings for phonics and balanced literacy teaching approaches.

Bridging the Gap: Converting Research to Classroom Pedagogy Will Increase Literacy Rates in Early Childhood Education
Anxiety to Action Survey - Infographic.pdf

Student Climate Anxiety in Higher Education

Infographic (left) and progress report (down) on outcomes and implications of an international Climate Anxiety Survey for nonprofit Turning Green, generated by myself (Data Team Lead) and an international team of student volunteers.

Turning Green Anxiety to Action Survey Progress Report.pdf

Developing a Theory of Personality

Final analysis of historical psychological perspectives of personality and my own working theory.

Theories of Personality Final Paper

The Effect of Historic Redlining Policies on Minority Neighborhoods 

Redlining policies, beginning with the National Housing Act (NHA) in 1934, are examples of a pervasive institutional history of racism that we continue to recover from today. The outcome of these policies was that Black families could not accrue wealth because they could not establish home equity that is the foundation of financial stability for many Americans.

Efforts to change or remove these policies have not been enough: the consequences of historic redlining policies are still negatively impacting redlined districts and their communities today. Although the current government is not directly responsible for redlining practices, they have a moral and civic duty to implement new policies that will positively change the outcomes of redlining and prevent that sort of institutionalized racism in the future. 

Positive Change for Historically Redlined Districts

Applied Cultural Anthropology 

Examining a local instance of socioeconomic disparity from an anthropological perspective.

Cultural Anthropology Final Paper

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