Elizabeth C. Lockerby

University of Pennsylvania
Graduate School of Education
Master of Science in Education,
Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Development
Expected Grad: 5/2025

Master of Science in Education,
Statistics, Measurement, Assessment, and Research Technology
Expected Grad: 5/2025

University of Pennsylvania G.S.E.
Graduate Assistant, Dr. Elizabeth Mackenzie
Research development and implementation, team mentoring, data analysis, article publication

An innovative problem solver with exceptional communication skills

Elizabeth C. Lockerby

About Elizabeth

The past...

Elizabeth grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. An explorer from the start, she spent her time outside of school reading, writing, and adventuring in the outdoors. She played soccer with a passion, loved to travel with her family, and eagerly took on new challenges.

Elizabeth simultaneously pursued higher education and career development. She discovered new passions like bouldering and horse husbandry, and traveled extensively throughout the United States, Western Europe, and Southern Africa.

The present...

Currently, Elizabeth is pursuing a Master of Science in Education at the University of Pennsylvania, studying human development and its intersection with education. She is expanding her creativity with extracurricular projects including pottery, poetry, and short stories.

When she is not pursuing her interests, she is often going on hikes with her dog, curled up reading with her cat, or running as far as she can go. She aims to achieve one significant personal goal each year, including becoming fluent in French, knitting a sweater, and running a marathon.

The future...

Elizabeth hopes to positively affect educational policy through intervention-based research focused on reading acquisition in children from underserved communities. After completing her Master's Degree, Elizabeth aims to join the private research sector or become a professor at an R1 university. She aims to build her career through internships and collaborative scientific publications.

Elizabeth also plans to go on a major backpacking expedition, either on a year-long trip through Europe or hiking all 3,100 miles of the Continental Divide Trail.

Copyright © 2012-2026 Elizabeth C. Lockerby. All rights reserved.