The Schedule
ECHR Meeting - Day 1
September 11
Registration 8:00 - 9:00
08:45 - 09:00
Welcome (Amphitheater II)
Catherine Bortolon, Pavo Orepic & Ana P. Pinheiro
09:00 - 10:00
Keynote Lecture (Amphitheater II)
Pavo Orepic: "Voices and Robots: From self-voice misperceptions to robotically-induced hallucinations"
Coffee Break 10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
First Session (Amphitheater II)
Chair: Ana P. Pinheiro
Chair: Ana P. Pinheiro
10:30 - Guillaume Pepin: "Phenomenological characterisation of the continuum of hallucination (Phenomha)"
10:45 - Daniel Yon: "Public communication, private confidence and psychosis-like experiences"
11:00 - Inés Abalo-Rodríguez: "What do you need to reflect on before doing research on hallucinations?"
11:15 - Margarida Marques: "What hearing voices reveals about voice perception"
11:30 - Gadi Drori: "A Behavioral, Physiological, and Computational Model of the Sense of Reality"
11:45 - Eleanor B. Schille-Hudson: "Rates of Spiritual Experience"
Lunch 12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
Second Session (Amphitheater II)
Chair: Tom Jenkins
Chair: Tom Jenkins
13:30 - Luka Jelić: "Air- and bone-conducted self-other voice discrimination in patients with auditory-verbal hallucinations"
13:45 - Daphne Bernués: "Bridging inner speech and memory theories of auditory verbal hallucinations"
14:00 - Hannah Ziesenies: "Hearing Voices: Linking Altered Voice Perception and Speech Comprehension in Hallucination-Prone Individuals"
14:15 - Stephanie Hare: "Trauma, Symptoms and Aberrant Salience: A Network Analysis of Schizophrenia Patients, Non-Clinical "Psychics" and Controls"
14:30 - Helen Olawole-Scott: "Expected precision, speech perception and unusual experiences"
14:45 - Elisabeth Sterner: "Investigating predictive language processing and task-induced auditory verbal hallucinations in individuals with psychotic-like experiences"
Coffee Break 15:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:00
Third Session - Parallel Session 1 (Amphitheater II)
Chair - Inés Abalo Rodríguez
Chair - Inés Abalo Rodríguez
15:30 - Emma Rolland-Carlichi: "Qualitative study of emotional regulation in schizophrenia"
15:45 - Laura Fässler: "Targeted Psychological and Psychosocial Interventions for Auditory Hallucinations in Persons with Psychotic Disorders: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"
16:00 - Alison Branitsky: "Online Hearing Voices Peer Support Groups in the NHS: A Feasibility and Acceptability Study"
16:15 - Tom Jenkins: "Development of the Dehumanisation in Psychosis Scale"
16:30 - Alessia Avila: "Working with people with persistent Auditory Hallucinations: towards an integration of CBTp and Cognitive Remediation tools"
16:45 - Ann Holden: "Development of a visual decision-making task to investigate underlying mechanisms of visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease"
15:30 - 17:00
Third Session - Parallel Session 2 (Room 22)
Chair - Maria Amorim
Chair - Maria Amorim
15:30 - Sofiia Rappe: "The shared mechanisms behind confabulations, hallucinations, and delusions in schizophrenia"
15:45 - Timothy Friesen: "The Role of Affect and Priors in the Generation of Hallucinations in Early Psychosis"
16:00 - Neza Vehar: "Phenomenological, behavioural, and neural correlates of presence hallucinations with perceived identity in Parkinson’s disease"
16:15 - Georgia Punton: "The effects of acute sleep deprivation on cognitive control mechanisms associated with hallucinatory experiences"
16:30 - Charlotte Aynsworth & Florence Watson: "VISION-QUEST: A questionnaire study of visual hallucinations in psychosis"
16:45 - Yanan Liu: "Subtyping First-Episode Psychosis based on Longitudinal Symptom Trajectories Using Machine Learning"
17:15 - 18:00
Roundtable Discussion at Lago Lisboa
Ana P. Pinheiro
Pavo Orepic
Sam Wilkinson
Sohee Park
Sonja Kotz
Tom Jenkins
Daniel Yon
Dinner at Páteo 51 (from 19:30)
ECHR Meeting - Day 2
September 12
9:00 - 10:00
Keynote Lecture (Amphitheater II)
Sohee Park: "Schizophrenia in the flesh: Towards an Experimental Psychopathology of Self Disorders"
Coffee Break 10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:30
Fourth Session (Amphitheater II)
Chair: Ben Alderson-Day
Chair: Ben Alderson-Day
10:30 - Huw Green: "I think I can I know I can't: Anosognosia as a spectrum phenomenon"
10:45 - Camille Jacquet: "Noises in Signal Detection Task: does noise frequencies matter on SDT indices and metacognition?"
11:00 - David Smailes: "Making Hallucinations Research ‘Error Tight’"
11:15 - Haydn Farrelly: A Novel Multisensory Method for Examining Hallucinations and Perceptual Aberrations in the Laboratory"
11:30 - Rebeca Jane Ball & Catherine Bortolon: "The Relationship Between Shame and Voice Hearing in Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Phenomenological Exploration"
11:45 - 12:00
Concluding Remarks (Amphitheater II)
Catherine Bortolon
ICHR Meeting - Day 1
September 12
Registration 13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:15
Welcome (Amphitheater II)
Ben Alderson-Day & Ana P. Pinheiro
14:15 - 15:15
Keynote Lecture (Amphitheater II)
Iris Sommer: "Hallucinations in different situations and diseases”
Coffee Break 15:15 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:30
Theme Session 1 - Where Next for the Continuum? (Amphitheater II)
Chair: Emmanuelle Peters
Chair: Emmanuelle Peters
15:30 - Georgia Punton & Ariel Swyer: "Mixed methods approaches to the voice-hearing continuum" LP
16:00 - Sam Wilkinson: "Deep dialogism, voice-hearing, and dissociated identities" LP
16:30 - Jianan Bao: "The sociocultural context of altered self-experiences and its relationship to schizotypy, dissociation and absorption: a mixed-method study in spiritualist mediums" LP
17:00 - Phil Corlett: "Sense of unreality along the continuum: similarities and differences in prediction error processing in health and illness" LP
Dinner at Restaurante Laurentina (from 19:30)
ICHR Meeting - Day 2
September 13 (ICHR)
09:00 - 11:00
Theme Session 2 - Speech Science & Hallucinations (Amphitheater II)
Chair: Iris Sommer
Chair: Iris Sommer
09:00 - Sonja Kotz: "Can prediction as a basic principle inform mental health disorders?"
09:50 - Volker Dellwo: "Voice identity: an acoustic reality or a human imagination?" LP
10:20 - Judy L. Thompson: "Natural Speech Processing, the Influence of Prior Knowledge, and Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia" MP
10:40 - Franziska Knolle: "How alteration in predictive language processing in different stages of psychosis link to hallucinations" MP
Coffee Break 11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 13:00
Session 3 (Amphitheater II)
Chair: Ben Alderson-Day
Chair: Ben Alderson-Day
11:30 - Julia Erb: "Auditory perception of temporal modulations in hallucination-prone individuals" SP
11:45 - Valeria Finelli: "Subvocalization and auditory verbal hallucinations" SP
12:00 - Devin Terhune: "Nitrous oxide induces hallucinations by overweighting perceptual priors"LP
12:30 - Michael J. Flexer: "The Hallucinated Digital: fabulation and fantasy in large language models (LLMs), AI and VR therapeutics" SP
Lunch 13:00 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:30
Session 4 (Amphitheater II)
Chair: Léon Franzen
Chair: Léon Franzen
14:30 - Margaret Niznikiewicz: "How neurofeedback can inform our understanding of neural bases of auditory hallucinations" LP
15:00 - In Won Chung: "The Mediating Role of Anxiety/Depression Between Auditory Verbal Hallucinations and the Level of Insight in Schizophrenia" SP
15:15 - Jae Hoon Jeong & Yong Sik Kim: "A Comparative Study of Characteristics of Auditory Verbal Hallucinations in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia" SP
Coffee Break 15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:10
Session 5 (Amphitheater II)
Chair: Léon Franzen
Chair: Léon Franzen
16:00 - Kyla-Louise Horne: "Visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease: Investigating their trajectories and neural mechanisms" MP
16:20 - Emmanuelle Peters & Wai Fung Tsang: "Introducing two adaptations of the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales (PSYRATS): the Continuous – PSYRATS and Other Modalities Hallucinations - PSYRATS" SP
16:35 - Léon Franzen: "A Systematic Review of Visual Perceptual Disturbances in Psychosis in Real, Augmented, and Virtual Environments" MP
16:55 - Daniel Daly: "A preliminary analysis of 4 predominantly visual sensory experiences of the dead" SP
17:10 - 17:30
Concluding Remarks (Amphitheater II)
Ben Alderson-Day
ECHR Presentations: All presentations (12 min + 3 min for questions).
ICHR Presentations: SP - Short Presentation (10 min + 5 min for questions); MP - Medium Presentation (15 min + 5 min for questions); LP - Long Presentation (20 min + 10 min for questions).