Milfoil Concerns

Once introduced into a lake, Eurasian water-milfoil is virtually impossible to eradicate. It grows rapidly and aggressively, reproducing primarily through fragmentation. The introduction of one single fragment of this plant can result in the infestation of an entire lake.

LakeSmart is an education and outreach program that rewards lakefront homeowners who manage their land to protect water quality. The program is free, non-regulatory, and voluntary. Participating homeowners receive individualized suggestions for keeping pollutants from stormwater out of lake waters. 

Courtesy Boat Inspection

Help is needed! CBI old-timers will be contacted soon by your respective team captains (Eric Johnson, Petey Flood and Dave Fuller). Newbies can contact Dave, the Chair of the CBI Committee, at (207) 685-9128 or Email is preferred. 

Loon Count

July 15, 2023

Summer 2022 - 16 adult loons (unofficial count)

The Annual Loon Count provides a vital snapshot of the population at the same time and with the same methods each year. It is like a barometer that shows biologists how the population is doing compared to prior years and helps track those changes over time.