have questions?

IMPORTANT: The Duke Office of the Provost announced the cancellation of all university-sponsored summer programs due to COVID-19. Unfortunately, that means that ECHO@Duke will be canceled and we will no longer host the one-week summer program. The information below is specific to the ECHO summer program. For the virtual, condensed program being offered in December of 2020, please see the ECHO Condensed tab on our website.


Who is eligible?

All high school students who are freshman, sophomore, or juniors at the time of application and live in North Carolina are eligible to apply to this program. Unfortunately, seniors and 8th graders are not eligible to apply. Priority will be given to historically underrepresented minorities in STEM fields.

I am not a US citizen, can I still apply to this program?

Yes, non-US citizens are eligible to apply.

Can students who live outside of the Triangle or are not in public school apply?

Yes, ECHO accepts applications from students outside of the Triangle area and from all types of high schools.


Where can I apply?

Please submit your application through the ECHO application portal. The application opens at 9:00am February 1st and close at 11:59pm on April 1st, 2020. The link to the application can be found here.

What materials are needed to apply?

You must fill out the first page of the application form and upload 2 essays in either a PDF or word document format. There is 1 optional essay you may submit if you feel it applies to you. The maximum word limit is 500 words for the essays.

How do I know if my application submitted?

At the end of the application a thank you message will appear on the screen, confirming your application was submitted. Additionally, an email will be sent to you confirming we received your application.

Can I submit a late application?

Unfortunately, no late applications will be accepted. All materials must be uploaded by 11:59pm on April 1st, 2020.

Are there any scholarships for this program?

No. The program itself is free, lunch is provided every day of the program, and transportation within the Triangle area is provided with a complimentary GoPass. We have tried our hardest to make this program accessible to everyone, therefore eliminating the need for any scholarship.

Program Questions

Do I have to attend all program events?

Yes, all accepted students are expected to attend all program events. The program runs July 13th - July 17th from 9:00am - 5:00pm.

What if I have an emergency and need to miss a day? (ex. sick day)

In the event of an emergency or sick day, you need to let the program coordinators know at ECHOatDuke@gmail.com.

Should I pack a lunch?

Lunch and afternoon snacks are provided for all participants Once accepted, please notify the ECHO executive team about all dietary restrictions.

Where do I go when I get to campus?

All program events are held in Hudson Hall located on the engineer's quad. A campus map can be found here.

What should I wear?

Since this program has hands on labs and experiments, students need to wear close-toed shoes and long pants. Students can pack a bag and change into long pants given the summer heat.

What should I bring?

All notebooks, pens, and experiment materials will be given to students.


Is the GoPass only for on-campus transportation?

No, the GoPass connects the triangle area and offers transit to and from campus. More information on the GoPass can be found here.

If I have my license and want to drive to campus can I get a free parking pass for the program?

Students who live outside of the GoPass route can obtain a free parking pass for the program. Each student that lives inside of the GoPass route and wants a free parking pass will be considered on a case-by-base basis. Alternatively, you are able to purchase daily passes and more information can be found here.

Do I have to use the GoPass or can my parent or friend drive me to campus?

You are not required to use the GoPass. You may use whatever form of transportation that is most convenient for you to get to campus.

If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us at ECHOatDuke@gmail.com