Submissions for Volume 13 open now-deadline August 13th, 2024 at 11.59pm. 

Perspectives and Provocations is the annually published journal of the Early Childhood Education Assembly. The journal provides an outlet for Early Childhood teachers, researchers, and other practitioners who have an interest in early literacy and equity in early childhood. If you're interested in to submitting a manuscript to Perspectives & Provocations, be sure to check the annual call for submissions for the deadline. When you're ready, visit our submissions page to learn more about how to submit. 

Banner image by Santi Vedri 

ISSUE 11_NOVEMBER 2023.pdf
Perspectives & Provocations Volume 11.pdf

journal policies

Focus and Scope

Perspectives and Provocations is the annually published journal of the Early Childhood Education Assembly--an assembly of early childhood researchers and educators within the National Council of Teachers of English. Perspectives and Provocations provides an outlet for Early Childhood teachers, researchers, and other constituents who have an interest in the early literacy and equity issues of young children. With this publication, we intend to create a space to critically advocate for diverse young children and their multiple and varied literacies.

Section Policies

Articles in this publication should address the theoretical, research-based, and/or practitioner-oriented issues concerning children form birth through age eight and within carious settings form home to school to community. Authors who publish within the journal should make clear connection between theory and practice that address timely, provocative topics.

Publication Frequency

Perspectives and Provocations is an annual publication. Check for deadlines in any current call for submissions.

Open Access Policy

We welcome articles from classroom teachers, emerging researchers, and established researchers in the field. To be considered, a manuscript must be previously unpublished.


Kamania Wynter-Hoyte


Associate Professor 

University of South Carolina  

Ysaaca Axelrod


Associate Professor 


Crystal Glover


Associate Professor 

Winthrop University  

Katie Stover Kelly


Associate Professor 

Furman  University

Editorial Assistants

Natalya Stepanova

Christy Marhatta