Weekly Updates

Week 1 (2/14 - 2/20)

  • Decided on general idea of F1 simulator project

  • Concept of measuring pedal input, displaying gear output

Week 2 (2/21 - 2/27)

  • Established peripheral list: LED module (SPI connection), ultrasonic sensor (I2C), button

  • Ordered MAX7219 LED Module

Week 3 (2/28 - 3/6)

  • Waiting on MAX7219 LED Module to arrive

  • Realized that ultrasonic sensor doesn't count as I2C peripheral, decided to implement Bluetooth module instead to send RPM and display it on another device

  • Began work on implementing ultrasonic sensor, Bluetooth module into circuit

Week 4 (3/7 - 3/13)

  • MAX7219 LED Module arrived, implemented into circuit

  • Finished input/output capabilities (button/ultrasonic sensor input, LED/Bluetooth output)