Parts Page



  • Ultrasonic Sensor: detect vehicle's speed


  • Motor: control the trap door

  • LED Traffic Light: periodic signal controlled by RTC

  • 8 * 8 LED Matrix: traffic light signal countdown (I2C)

  • Buzzer: set off an alarm

  • Termite: print the detailed speeding / running red light information

Software Structure


Again, this is for a simple one-way, one-lane scenario, the software structure might change if we moved on to a more complex traffic system, but the general idea should be the same.

The LEDs on board should be periodically lit up in the sequence of green-yellow-red, and the distance sensor should monitor the position of incoming vehicles constantly.

Runnin Red Light Detection

Let's say that the distance interval of the crossroad is from X1 to X2, when LED is on red, no vehicle should be in that distance interval, meaning that the readings from the distance sensor should not fall in that interval. If it does, then it means that the vehicle is running a red light. The buzzer and camera then should be triggered to ring an alarm and take a photo.

Speeding Detection

The speed is calculated from the distance sensor reading, by the equation distance/time. And if a certain threshold speed limit is exceeded, the buzzer and camera then should be triggered to ring an alarm and take a photo. (depending on the position/angle of the placement of the distance sensor, the distance value might not be the original reading, some experiment trials are required to figure out the exact procedure.)

Peripherals Configuration

  • 8 * 8 LED Matrix (I2C Config & Library functions implementation)

  • Ultrasonic Sensor

  • Traffic Light (periodic signal)

  • RTC (set off an alarm every second)

  • UART

  • Motor

Traffic Light & RTC & 8 * 8 LED Matrix

The periodic LED traffic light signal is configured using RTC, which sets off an alarm every second. A counter is incremented every second and controls the traffic light timing (6 seconds green -- 2 seconds yellow -- 6 seconds red). We use this to display a countdown for each light on our 8 * 8 LED matrix using I2C.


If the red light is on:

If the distance detected is less than a threshold:

ring buzzer

open the trap door

send timing information to Termite


If the speed is greater than a threshold

ring buzzer

open the trap door

send timing and speeding information to Termite

External Pin Connections

PA 3: Ultrasonic Sensor Echo

PB 2: Buzzer

PB 3: L298N (Motor)

PB 6: LED Matrix (I2C Clock)

PB 7: LED Matrix (I2C Data)

PD 5: Termite (UART)

PD 6: Termite (UART)

PE 11: Ultrasonic Sensor Trigger

PE 13: LED Traffic Light (Red)

PE 14: LED Traffic Light (Yellow)

PE 15: LED Traffic Light (Green)

Serial Interface Protocols

UART -- Termite

I2C -- 8*8 LED Matrix