Smart Traffic Light Intersection Monitor System

Overview / Goal / Purpose

In this project, we aim to build a smart traffic light intersection monitor system. This system, enabled by a distance sensor, will be able to detect vehicles speeding or running red lights. And upon detection, it will trigger a buzzer alarm and a motor connected to our trap door. In a real-world scenario, this system could reduce the workload of law enforcement and benefit the safety of the road. Also at this moment, we are just considering a simple one-way, one-lane system, depending on our progression speed we will try to make it compatible with more complex traffic stop systems.

Block Diagram

Responsibility List

Angela Chen:

Solder the parts

Configure 8*8 LED matrix with I2C protocol, implement library functions

Configure RTC and LED traffic lights, periodic green-yellow-red lighting

Configure buzzer, trigger action to ring the alarm.

Tom Zu:

Design and build the traffic intersection system and the trap system

Configure UART protocol with Termite

Set up the motor with L298N motor driver

Configure distance sensor, constantly monitor the position of incoming vehicles.

Implement the speed detection algorithm.

Demo Video