cognitive computational Postdoc

Job Advert: Postdoctoral Researcher position in computational cognitive neuroscience at the emergent Team “Ecological Cognition and Computation” at SBRI, U1208, Lyon


Type of Role: Academic


Funder: European Research Council (ERC)


Location: Lyon, France


Working Pattern: Full time


Salary: at least 2895,57 euro/month


Duration: between 1 and 5 years


Application closing time: TBA


We are looking for Postdoctoral Researchers for our emergent Team “Ecological Cognition and Computation” led by Dr Nils Kolling, which is strongly associated with the Team “Neurobiology of Executive functions”, both part of the SBRI. While the position is within cognitive neuroscience, anybody with a strong technical, computational or engineering background, particularly if they have applied it in any aspect of neuroscience, is encouraged to apply as well.


Stem-cell and Brain Research institute (SBRI)

SBRI is affiliated to INSERM and University de Lyon with strong links to INRA and CNRS. SBRI research is multidisciplinary with interests ranging from stem cells biology, developmental neurobiology, integrative and cognitive neuroscience and chronobiology disorders. One common asset is the investigation of human and non-human primate specific features addressed at multiple levels of exploration ranging from the earliest embryonic developmental stages to the structure and function observed in the adult cortex.


Research at Ecological Cognition and Computation team

The primary aim of our team is understanding of how the human brain implements reward-guided decision making, learning and plans into the future. For this, we focus particularly on the role of the frontal lobes in generating choices and making predictions based on rewards and other features of the environment. However, we are also interested in more network-based perspectives and want to understand how cortical and subcortical interactions and dynamics implement task performance and behavioural or neural state shifts. Thus, we use a variety of methods, across species as well as across spatial and temporal scales. We also test our ideas using causal manipulations such as pharmacological interventions, brain lesions and more recently transcranial ultrasound stimulation.


Some of our current interests include trying to find out how we predict future reward trends in changing environments to make better choices. We are also interested in how people manage to continuously pursue their goals and motivate their behaviour over extended time periods, sometimes to the point of failing to abandon them when necessary. In addition, our lab is working on other types of ecological cognitions such as credit assignment, emotion-decision interactions and social cognition.


Our team is heavily interdisciplinary drawing inspiration from economics, psychology, biology, computer science, engineering and beyond. We also use a diverse set of neuroscience methods to understand the underlying processes more deeply. In other words, we measure not only what regions are active (using fMRI) and the large-scale neural dynamics (using MEG and EEG), but also how populations of single neurons are involved (using electrophysical recordings) as well as the causal contributions of specific brain regions within larger networks (e.g. using Transcranial ultrasound stimulation). This is combined with generative cognitive models, purpose built to solve ecologically relevant challenges humans have evolved to overcome. Using large scale behavioural data we further link individual differences in the cognitive processes underlying our tasks to clinical dimensions and other real life individual differences.


Job description

 As a postdoctoral researcher you will an integral part of the team involved in supervising students, setting up valuable shared resources such as a new Transcranial ultrasound stimulation lab and generally contributing to the lab culture as a whole. Additionally, you will spent a lot of time pushing the ERC grant forward as a whole, taking a lead in many of the core projects. For this you will dedicate a lot of time developing ideas and in complex data analysis, making coding and analysis skills a key part for the position.


For this particular Postdoctoral research position, we are looking for somebody with a strong analysis background, in psychology/cognitive or behavioural neuroscience directly, adjacent neuroscience fields or a strong background in engineering, computer science or similar working on applicable concepts. Concretely, if you have spent a lot of time writing code, fitting models or trying to understand complex data, you might be exactly the person we are looking for!


In the team, we recognize that a postdoctoral researcher brings a lot of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to the team and will do our best to reward this with opportunities for further growth, particularly by helping them to grow into an independent research scientist. Practically, we will help them to develop their own ideas and write grant applications and job applications, when they are ready to make the next step in their scientific career.


The team itself is highly international and English is the working language. We aspire towards an inclusive and friendly team culture and research manager is highly encouraged to participate in all team social activities as well as scientific team meetings as an integral part of the team.


The starting date is somewhat flexible (earliest 1st of May 2023). The maximum duration on the ERC grant is 5 years with continuation beyond that depending on new sources of funding.


The position starting salary is at least 2895,57 euro per month (higher salary possible depending on relevant years of experience and qualifications (e.g. PhD)).


List of activities:

-       data acquisition

-       Participating in scientific exchange


Position open to:

-       Post PhD


Researchers profile


-       Knowledge in neuroscience/computer science/psychology/medicine or biology

-       Advanced knowledge in data analysis, in particular use of general linear models, model fitting etc.



-       Excellent knowledge of English

-       Ability to understand scientific articles and information




-       Interest in neuroscientific and psychological research


Desired experience:

-       Experience in cognitive computational modelling

-       Experience in neural models of decision making, learning or other types of cognition


Expected level of professional training:

-       PhD

-       Experience in cognitive/computational modelling

-       Experience in functional imaging (MEG or fMRI) or electrophysiological recordings

-       Experience with regression analyses and statistical analyses


Documents needed for application

CV, Letter of motivation


What will happen after I submit?

After the submission deadline, a selection of candidates will be invited for an interview (in person or remotely, depending on their location). After the interview, we will inform all of the interview candidates about the outcome.


Curious about the position?

Anyone interested in applying is highly encouraged to contact Dr Nils Kolling directly (