Our Research
We have conducted several research projects over the years to demonstrate that this institute and education delivered in this manner improves:
Team cohesiveness
Job satisfaction
Engagement in EBP activities
Skills in conducting change projects
Engagement in scholarly activities such as presentation and publication
Attitudes regarding EBP
1. Brown CE, Wickline MA, Ecoff L, et al. Nursing practice, knowledge, attitudes and perceived barriers to evidence-based practice at an academic medical center. J Adv Nurs. 2009;65(2):371-381.
2. Brown CE, Ecoff L, Kim SC, et al. Multi-institutional study of barriers to research utilisation and evidence-based practice among hospital nurses. J Clin Nurs. 2010;19(13-14):1944-1951.
3. Brown CE, Ecoff L. A systematic approach to the inclusion of evidence in healthcare design. Herd. 2011;4(2):7-16.
4. Kim SC, Brown CE, Ecoff L, et al. Regional Evidence-Based Practice Fellowship Program: Impact on Evidence-Based Practice Implementation and Barriers. Clinical Nursing Research. 2013;22(1):51-69.
5. Kim SC, Stichler JF, Ecoff L, Brown CE, Gallo AM, Davidson JE. Predictors of Evidence-Based Practice Implementation, Job Satisfaction, and Group Cohesion Among Regional Fellowship Program Participants. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing / Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing. 2016;13(5):340-348.
6. Kim SC, Ecoff L, Brown CE, Gallo AM, Stichler JF, Davidson JE. Benefits of a Regional Evidence-Based Practice Fellowship Program: A Test of the ARCC Model. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing / Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing. 2017.
7. Kim SC, Stichler JF, Ecoff L, Gallo AM, Davidson JE. Six-Month Follow-up of a Regional Evidence-based Practice Fellowship Program. J Nurs Adm. 2017;47(4):238-243.