My Story

On this page, you get the opportunity to meet staff, students, parents, and teachers. Everyone has a powerful story that helps us to connect. As a family, we share our narratives as a source of inspiration.

Ms. Stesanie Simmons

Hello, My name is Stesanie Simmons. For about five years, I’ve been the face you see walking into the building of EBC as a School safety agent. Now I am officially a part of the school family, and I’m so excited to be starting this new journey. Some of my hobbies include fashion, watching youtube, listening to music, hanging with my family, and dancing. I’m just excited to make a change in someone’s life and be the voice of reason. My goal is to become a high school guidance counselor or a principal. The sky is the limit, and anything is possible.

Ms. Liliana Reynoso

Hi, my name is Liliana Reynoso. I was born and raised in Bushwick and am a former student of E.B.C. My hobbies include bike rides, listening to music, staying active, and taking care of my plants. I currently attend Queens College and am working on my teaching degree. I’m super excited to work with new students and connect with the community. Thank you for having me.

Mr. Juan Mena

Hi, my name is Juan Mena. I am a former student of E.B.C who was born and raised in Bushwick. My hobbies include filmmaking, watching basketball, listening to, producing music, learning new things, and working on my business. I went to Brooklyn College to study Business Management and Accounting. I started working with middle school kids in 2015 after graduation, and I am excited to work with a new age group. Some of my goals include creating multiple streams of passive income by the time I am 27 years old, owning numerous successful businesses, teaching entrepreneurship to students, and having my name on the side of buildings.

Mr. Amos Drain

Hi, my name is Amos Drain. I graduated from EBC High School in 2013. Some of my hobbies include playing /watching basketball, listening to music, and overall having a good time with family and friends. One of the things that most excites me about working in my former school is the fact that I’m making a difference. I feel like my purpose in EBC is to bridge the older generation of teachers and the new generation of students. The impact I made with the students is outstanding. I can’t wait to see how far we get by the end of the year.

Mr. John Gordon

Hey, I’m Mr. John Gordon. I’ve been a part of the E.B.C. family for 8 1/2 years now. I am excited about transitioning to a new career. E.B.C. is one of the best work environments I’ve been in, and I am happy to be a part of it. My hobbies include making music, playing basketball/football, podcasting, and watching new television series. I plan to bring more creativity to the school building. I want students to express their artistic side, give them a lane to have fun, and motivate them to come to school. I also want to be someone the kids feel comfortable talking to about anything.

Ms. Naomi Rosales

Hi, my name is Ms. Naomi Rosales. I am a former student of EBC who graduated in 2017. I am in my last semester at Brooklyn College & my major is Education to become an English teacher. My hobbies are reading, writing, and going out. I am excited to work in my old high school and work with students.

Learn about Ms. Cristina Robles. She is currently an ENL teacher. Her story is an inspiration and shows students that anything is possible. #Bori

In this interview Mr. O shares about his life as a student in Bushwick. Through many challenges, he found a way to be successful and give back to his community.

Diamond Girl

The Life of Latina Educator - Alejandra Hernandez