
West Point

SS380 Labor Economics (Spring 2022, Spring 2023)

This course is a survey of Labor Economics aimed at upperclassmen economics majors. This is an integrative course designed to link together concepts learned in earlier microeconomics and econometrics courses and apply them to questions in labor economics. We begin by modelling an individual’s decision to work, a firm’s decision to hire, and labor market equilibrium under competition. We then discuss wage inequality and the importance of technology and education in the labor market. Finally, we apply tools to specific current topics related to labor markets, such as immigration, crime, discrimination, and the gender wage gap. Throughout the course, cadets are introduced to three important tools used by labor economists to obtain causal estimates: instrumental variables, difference-in-difference, and regression discontinuity.

SS201 Principles of Economics (Fall 2021, Fall 2022)

Core course for all cadets covering micro- and macroeconomic principles.

Boston University

EC390 Special Topics in Economics: Gender and Economics (Fall 2020)

This is a seminar style course for advanced undergraduate students in economics, covering topics such as the gender wage gap, labor specialization in the household, and the impact of family-friendly government policies. The course places a strong emphasis on reading, understanding, and writing about empirical economic articles.
