Gardening Basics

Gardening Tools

Basic Garden Tools

  • Seed starting containers

  • Soil

  • Plant seeds

  • Plant labels

  • Watering can

  • Pruner (garden shears)

  • Hand Trowel

  • Gloves

Container & Potted Plants

  • Plant containers

  • Quality potting soil

Other Garden Tools

  • Plant supports (Trellis)

  • Garden hoe

  • Shovel


Thinking of starting your own home garden? Here is information to help you have a successful garden.

The old farmers almanac provides information on starting your own vegetable garden and suggests plants to grow for beginning gardeners.

Learn how to start plants from seeds: From germinating and thinning seeds to transplanting seedlings.

Learn about planting vegetables in containers such as how to care for plants, harvest vegetables and which container sizes are best to use for optimal plant growth.

Composting is a way to turn waste into soil that is rich in nutrients. Learn about 10 steps to make compost at home.


This video is about growing a vegetable garden. It talks about designing a garden, vegetables are easy to grow, planting seeds, and tips for growing tomatoes.

This video provides information about using containers to grow vegetables. It is important to think about the size of the container, location where plants can flourish, type of soil to use, and watering of plants for the best results.

Learn how to start plants from seeds with this video provided by Better Homes and Gardens.

One of the greatest virtues of gardening is this perpetual renewal of youth and spring, of promise of flower and fruit that can always be read in the open book of the garden, by those with an eye to see, and a mind to understand. - E.A. Bowles