In feedback from my students, one of the things they most seem to enjoy are the gamified online learning environments that I create for them. When I think of online learning environments, I think about the online settings that students can explore or even manipulate in order to gather information or learn. Digital escape rooms are a great example. Google Classroom could be an example. Websites are online learning environments. The Bitmoji Classrooms that are all the rage right now could be considered online learning environments if they host learning materials! As a lover of teaching and video games, I have a bit of an obsession creating online learning environments that have game components. Today's experiment is about how to turn boring content delivery into an engaging online learning adventure! (continue reading)

Leveled Challenges

Experiment: Distribute Badges with Google Classroom

Game Changer: 3 Quick Questions

Making Choice Seating Work for You (Plus a Free Guide to Help you Get Started!)

8 Sweet Free Tech Tools You Can Start Using Tomorrow

4 Simple Tech Tools I Love Right Now

5 Simple Ways to Offer Student Choice

4 Things I'm Doing to Minimize Decision Fatigue

Looking for older blog posts? You can visit the original Eat. Write.Teach. blog here!