Hello and welcome!

Eat.Write.Teach. began as many blogs do... it was my little online creative space where I wrote about whatever was on my mind at the time, which usually fell into one of three categories: eating, writing, or teaching. I never imagined that anyone other than my mother or my crazy aunts would really take a notion to read my ramblings, but lo and behold, a little post I wrote called Back to School for the High School Teacher Part 1: The Sanity Saver took and suddenly my little blog was showing up as I was scrolling idly through Pinterest looking for Pinspirations for my classroom. So, really, the blog is now just about the Teach part (though I still think longingly of my other two lovers, writing Y.A. Fiction and eating anything that isn't nailed down).​

The Teacher Behind the Curtain

My name is Stephanie. My students call me Mrs. Richardson, or Richardson, or Miss Rich. A couple of them call me, "Hey lady!" One particular student referred to me as "Hairwoman" after the English teacher in the Laurie Halse Anderson novel Speak.

I have a Bachelor of Science in secondary language arts education, and I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in curriculum and instruction. I nearly switched majors during my junior year of college to go into graphic design because I enjoy it so, which is one of the reasons I create so much of my own material. I find it fun to recreate the wheel, something they insist that you do not do when you go to teacher school. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't suggest it either, unless you have a burning passion for typography and Photoshop. I have been teaching since 2010. I spent my highly-challenging first year of teaching (which you can read about here) at a high school fifty minutes from home, where I taught freshmen, sophomores, and seniors in five different preps. I spent the next seven years teaching high school English and Theatre in my home county, where I made incredible memories in the classroom and as the sponsor and director of the high school's theatre program. I took a huge leap of faith in the 2018-2019 school year when I switched to a middle school (7th graders, ya'll!!) in a neighboring county and into a super positive, rising star school that allowed me more creative freedom in my classroom. This change has been an excellent choice for my career and for my family. 7th graders are beyond crazy, but I'm loving their enthusiasm!

I truly enjoy what I do, and I truly enjoy experimenting in the classroom. I'm not a teacher who is seeking "The Tried and True" so that I need not ever switch up my game in the classroom. Quite the contrary. I usually have a pretty good thing going in my classroom, but if I read an interesting teaching theory or I see a cool concept online or whatnot, I like to try it out and see what happens. So this is just me, sipping my coffee and rewatching Game of Thrones and The Office, telling you what worked for me and what didn't.

Free Resources

Part of my mission as a teacher is to share whatever resources other teachers might find helpful. The vast majority of the resources I have created are the ones I use on the regular in my own classroom. You can access those bad boys any time you like and download a bazillion copies and print them and gleefully make it rain organization in your classroom. Yay free stuff! You can access those here.


Do you have questions about my teaching ideas? My ridiculous adventures? The silly GIFs? Or maybe (and I totally welcome this!) you have a blog topic suggestion? Talk to me! I love hearing from my readers, fellow bloggers, and people who just so happen to stumble upon this website. I may not always have the opportunity to get back with you right away (living that crazy teacher mom life!), but I promise I love hearing from you! Tell me your stories!

Quickest form of contact? Social media!

You can also send me an email!