5 Types Of Food For Your Yacht Chartering Trips

Do you want to savor a barbecue on a yacht while it cruises Singapore's waters? Do you want to participate in a dining activity inside so that you can meet new people and get to know each other better? Do you want to spice up a party, like a birthday, get-together, or celebration with delicious food to make it less boring?

Or maybe you just want to avoid going on charter trips with nothing to eat? Before you actually board the ship, we'll show you a variety of food options in this post. Do you expect that there are sure food types which are limited? Don't worry—all of the below-mentioned food options (with the exception of alcoholic beverages) meet halal requirements. All these food are possible to be served courtesy of the Singapore superyacht services.

Spaghettis And Gratin

In addition to raw, uncooked food, it is also possible to obtain easily prepared, even cooked, food. We have a crew, some of whom are very good cooks. In addition, they have received extensive training in yacht hospitality and provide service that is comparable to that of a hotel. All part of the Singapore superyacht services for your trips.

Even though this is more applicable to superyachts, our spaghetti and gratin that was brought to the dining table was an example of this. The gratin was well-received by our guests, who even noted that the aglio olio spaghetti, which was a healthy dish thanks to the olive oil, was served. The Star Of The Sea yacht has an indoor dining table that businesses can use for serious business networking or just to relax. The convenient setting and ease of dining make it easier to eat the spaghetti and gratin at this table.


Fresh oysters are an excellent choice for food onboard a yacht for several reasons. Firstly, oysters are a low maintenance food that can be prepared quickly and easily. They do not require any cooking, which means that they can be served raw and on the half shell. This makes them an ideal food for a relaxed and casual atmosphere onboard a yacht, as they can be served as a simple yet elegant appetizer or snack.

Secondly, oysters are a healthy and nutritious food that can provide a range of benefits for those onboard a yacht. Oysters are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including zinc, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12. They are also low in fat and calories, which makes them a great option for those who are watching their weight or looking for healthy food options. Additionally, oysters are a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can provide a range of health benefits, including improved heart health and reduced inflammation.

Overall, fresh oysters are an excellent choice for food onboard a yacht. They are low maintenance, healthy, and provide a range of nutritional benefits. Whether you are hosting a dinner party or enjoying a casual day on the water, fresh oysters are sure to be a hit with everyone onboard.

Barbecue Seafood

Singapore yacht charters frequently opt for seafood barbecues. On board the yacht, you can have grilled seafood like prawns, squid, fish, and crab.

Indeed, this is the most popular option among food caterers who charter our yachts. They also catch some of the seafood on their fishing charter trips.

The majority of seafood is ordered raw and cooked onboard in the gas-grilled BBQ pits. On our yachts, the flybridge, which is more outdoorsy and exposed, has barbecue pits. Our guests typically gather here to enjoy their seafood grilled to a delicious perfection.

Chicken Wings

What about some delectable chicken wings, which have long been a staple of land-based barbecue cuisine? When booking a yacht charter in Singapore, chicken wings are a popular and simple option. They can be ordered from a food catering service as a ready-made option, grilled on board the yacht, or served as a barbecue dish. To create a variety of delectable flavors, chicken wings can be marinated in soy sauce, honey, BBQ, and chili. Additionally, they are simple to consume with your hands, making them the ideal finger food for guests to savor as they unwind on the yacht.

You can order raw chicken wings and bring them to the yacht to marinate. A short time later, you can assist with grilling them on the grilles and connect them to sticks for simpler eating.

If you want chicken wings as part of your food catering service, you can choose fries, coleslaw, or salad as sides to go with them. If you want to grill them on the yacht, make sure you have the right grill or barbecue tools and that the yacht has enough space and safety precautions. Overall, chicken wings are a great option for a yacht charter because they are flavorful, easy to make, and great for eating casually on the water.

Satay Skewers

A great option for a yacht charter in Singapore is satay skewers! The marinated meat of chicken, beef, or mutton is skewered, grilled, and served with a peanut dipping sauce in satay, a popular local dish.

On a yacht, satay skewers are simple to consume and can be enjoyed as a snack or as part of a larger meal that includes other barbecue favorites like chicken wings and seafood. Additionally, ordering them from various Singapore food catering companies is simple. Sticks of 30 or more are frequently sold. This is primarily due to the fact that at least three can be easily chewed off.

More reading articles - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hospitality