I wanted to ask, if there is any environment I could use for login only which displays different Display Managers as separate icons, so that I only press one button (the icon of the manager) and enter my password. I really don't like to have to use touch pad to change Display Manager

It sounds like you switch to i3 using the session option on the greeter. I'm not sure which greeter you are using. You describe GDM3 but you are using LightDM tag. Is the button you press for getting i3 next to your password on the login (greeter) screen? This is your session selection. Do you keep switching between Gnome and i3? It should default to the session you selected on last login. I'm not aware of any greeters that allow you to select the session like you are requesting. LightDM does have multiple greeters to choose from, but I'm not familiar with GDM3.

Easy Login Download

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YITH Easy Login & Register Popup For WooCommerce allows making all this much easier: login (social login is included), registration and password recovery (with an Amazon-inspired process). You can now offer your customers a more positive purchase experience.

Recommended!I came to Yith a little lost but the chat assistance was great to find what I was looking for. This is a simple way to add more smooth login process, I use it with the auction plugin and really changed the game for my clients.

YITH Easy login is a plugin that allows you to show a popup and invite users to register or log in before placing the order. It includes also Facebook and Google as login options.

Whereas, YITH Social Login integrates many social networks as login options in the standard WooCommerce login form (so no popup available).

Yes but only if the account email that has been used, is the same as the one used on Facebook or Google. For example; if I have an account on your site with the email [email protected] and my Facebook email is the same, the account will be linked after the login. Otherwise a new account will be created.

Yes, the two plugins work together. The customer lands on the cart and before proceeding to the checkout, he will be asked to log in using YITH Easy Login plugin. Then, he will be redirected to the checkout where he can complete the purchase and go through the checkout steps one after the other (YITH Multi-step checkout). The option "Enable customer login" might also be kept to ON, no need to put it to OFF, as these two steps of the workflow are independent from each other.

There is no integration between the two plugins at the moment but the two plugins are compatible with each other so they will work together and without conflicts. Simply YITH Social Login will have no effect on the popup. So, as the plugin already includes Facebook and Google login, in the popup you will be able to use either Facebook or Google to log in.

Hi, I just installed VMWare Workstation to try out Ubuntu, and found that I am unable to login after installation, as the login and password is rejected.

That said, the VMWare installation defaults to the 'Easy Install', and there does not appear to be any way to change that, and so it looks as though the entered credentials are not passed-on or registered properly.

Anyone know how to get around this?

I had thought of that as well, and so I tried several times just to be sure.

That said, and after triple checking everything, I've concluded that there is a bug with the latest Ubuntu image and vmware's easy setup feature.

But when I try to install the newly released Ubuntu 23.04, the install seems to proceed fine, but I cannot login with the credentials I supplied. I've tried the installation several times now with the same results. I re-downloaded the Ubuntu iso to make sure it was valid. But I cannot login after an install.

I installed it OK but didn't use easy install, I used "I will install it later". It installed the open version of tools and runs OK. I don't much like their default desktop, but wanted to have a look at 23.04.

First of all i added an echo in process_login.php and I deleted the header('location...protected_page.php). The login function (in functions.php) does his job, and writes CORRECTLY: $_SESSION['user_id'] as well as $_SESSION['username'] and $_SESSION['login_string'].

Then I deleted the echos in process_login.php and rewrote the header('location.. to protected_page.php.(i back to the original code). And after that added some echos in login_check before any if function login_check($mysqli) { echo "

userid:".$_SESSION['user_id']; echo "

username:".$_SESSION['username']; echo "


The result is blank, so the SESSION variables are wroten correctly in function login but after the header to protected_page the variables seem to be deleted. Maybe sec_session_start() function is not working well? Anyway i will follow @Manikiran 's advices and I will continue working, removing encryptions or something.... Thank you @Manikiran and @lps

I am trying to do a basic login system. However, what i've done doesn't work. The system is basically an index.php where you put your credentials, then the php verifies if your user exists and if the password is correct. Then the user is redirected to protected_page.php. Okay, the authentication part works fine, when the user and password is correct the web page redirects you to protected_page.php and when the user and password is not correct, the page tells you so.

index.php: (i guess it works fine, as it redirects to protected_page() when it has to do it. Maybe the problem is the login(...) function in the part where I set the session data...).

With COOL Easy Login, ALL students can log in all by themselves regardless of their age or ability with a simple picture combination or a handy QR code. The combined solution of COOL Picture login and COOL QR login provides extra security while keeping it simple.

You can add it to Chrome/Edge here. Once you open it, it'll give you simple setup instructions. When activated, send your push requests to your new Duo Mobile device called "Android", and then click on the extension to approve your next login.

My question is - is there an option to allow for me to login to my account via my phone or something? I'm thinking along the lines of what Microsoft has where when you attempt to login you can use their authenticator app to accept it without the need to enter a password... Is this a thing? I know Google has similar but is there a way for me to enable it for the CB login screen rather than having to type out my password everytime?

Easylogin allows the admin to give a permission to users so they are able to log in via an url. Yes, I know what you're thinking, but wait! This could be useful for demoing, and allowing a simple login whilst devloping and prototyping alongside a client, etc.

By adding an optional ?destination=node/324 will redirect the user to the node/324 url after login. The default destination is . The module will also adhere to the destination set with login_redirect.

As of today, Adobe Analytics make us change our JWT login credentials on an annual basis. This means we're having to go into every workflow and change every connector with the new login info each year. This is quite a task yearly since the connector is in many of our workflow and most workflows have way more than one connector in them. Has anyone found an easier way to maintain the login credentials and they don't have to do this? Would love to see what others are doing. Thanks for any ideas/help!

I havent use the Adobe connector, but if its anything like Oracle or MySQL, you can create an Alias for your data connection which stores the login credentials. Whenever the credentials are updated you only need to update the UID and PW in the Manage Data Connections and it will update all the workflows that use that Alias. Once the Data Connection is setup you can just reference the Alias in the connection. For Example it will be aka:Adobe instead of whatever connection path you are using.

Hi @rueben.tiow, I wanted to know if we can access the universal login within the app via an iframe, so we do not need to redirect the user to the universal login page. Is there any defined way to do it?

You want to make it as easy as possible for your entrants to log into your awards program. But what options are out there? And, how can Award Force help?

One of the options available through Award Force is called SAML, which stands for Security Assertion Markup Language. But what does it mean? What does it do?

Once SAML is set up your users will be able to click a button to log in instantly. You can also provide a login link directly from the identity provider platform and bypass the Award Force login page completely.

With SAML, your users will be able to sign on quickly and easily and avoid both re-registration and login on Award Force. Leave the busy work to the providers in the background, and provide your awards community a seamless experience from the very first click.

These 2 features both allow you to create alias on-the-fly, meaning you don't have to open SimpleLogin to create a new alias. 

 Enabling catch-all on your domain allows you to use ANYTHING@my-domain.com as alias with ANYTHING being any word. The only limit is it has to have less than 128 characters. 

Alias Directory is similar to catch-all, you can use your_directory+ANYTHING@simplelogin.co as alias. your_directory is the name of the directory you created.

You can find the list of all frequent question/answer on the FAQ page. 

 If you don't find the answer there, please send your question to support@simplelogin.zendesk.com. 

 You can also create an issue on our GitHub Issues.

After we enter the login credentials and get to the landing page of the virtual desktop, we click on a virtual desktop and the remote session starts. Right after starting, we are again prompted to enter the password (the username/email is prefilled already). As I always use 1Password to drag & drop or the Type in window feature to key in the password, the password ends up in the username field instead of to the password field. In the Old version of the web client of remote desktop, on drag and drop, the password would get filled currently in the password field itself (probably because the cursor was already on the password field). But with the new Beta feature, drag and drop always keys in the password to the username field. I then need to manually place the cursor on the password and then jump to 1Password in order to key in the password. 17dc91bb1f

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