Battery Optimizer is a useful tool designed to help you to control and optimize the condition of your laptop battery. Using diagnostics and comprehensive analysis, you can improve your battery's performance and duration.

After scanning your PC, this program will detect how much energy you can save by removing unnecessary and energy-consuming applications, and can also resolve any problems that cause low battery productivity.

Battery Optimizer Free Download

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Battery Optimizer will give you an exact figure of how much battery life you can save by closing every application. It can then save those settings as a profile type so you don't always have to close the same tools over and over again, and instead just choose your custom mode.

If you want to add a few minutes to your battery life, this is the program for you, especially for emergencies when you don't have your charger on hand. It will also always show how much battery life you have left.

Battery Optimizer is an app made to be installed on laptops and used to measure battery life and maximise battery performance and longevity. By default, laptops are very vague about battery usage and how much battery life remains. For those going on long trips or with older, reduced capacity batteries, Battery Optimizer can help get the most out of your battery's life span.

Battery Optimizer will scan your laptop and monitor your laptop's battery life, providing you with a much clearer picture over time of the sort of battery life you can really expect from your laptop. This can be very helpful when you are using your laptop in places that you cannot plug it in to a power outlet. In addition to monitoring your laptop's battery life, Battery Optimizer can also provide suggestions to extend your maximum battery life, displaying some useful data such as exactly how long your battery will last at current usage and how much longer it could potentially be extended for with optimisations.

Battery Optimizer will scan your laptop and determine how to get more life from your laptop battery. Battery Optimizer will then provide recommended actions to perform, along with the estimated time-savings and other battery management features

Battery Optimizer is designed to fix a problem that plagues most people, short laptop battery life. Most other applications just help you manage when your computer goes to sleep. Battery Optimizer goes several steps further and actually tells you how much battery life you can save by turning un-needed features of your laptop off. Giving you those extra minutes you need to save that document or get to the next level in your game.

Battery Optimizer is much more advanced than any other battery monitoring or management application. Battery Optimizer actually tells you how much extra battery life you can save by turning certain hardware and services off on your laptop. You can then save those settings as a profile so that you can quickly and easily optimize your setting for your current usage at any time.

I had problems with the 2 new batteries for my laptop. Tried all possible solutions, unfortunately this was without success. Battery optimizer was my only hope. And it has worked. I want to thank Reviversoft, for saving my 2 batteries. Thanks again for making Battery Optimizer. I can not live without battery optimizer on a laptop.

Hi, I've recently bought an HP Pavilion Gaming 15 for use in Architectural Renderings. The thing is I would like the charge limit to stop in somewhat 80% so that I can maximize my battery lifespan, even when the laptop is plugged in for a long period of time. Lumion, which is the rendering software I use tends to perform better and render faster when plugged in. So I'd like to use this laptop's max performance without sacrificing battery lifespan in the long run.

Adaptive Battery Optimizer, which HP says that it optimizes battery health and prevents premature wear (check the details in HP website), is currently enabled in my BIOS. But I'm currently not sure what it really does when it in "Enabled/Activated mode". As mine is always "Enabled/Not Activated" even when it is plugged in and in heavy rendering/high temperature.

Question is: Did anyone already experienced what it really does when it is in "enabled/activated mode"? Does it limit charging percentage? Please share me your thoughts/ experiences with it

According to documentation, this is one of three status' available, the others being disabled/not activated and enabled/activated. Last night, I drained the battery out down to 7% until Windows Hibernated. Overnight it charged back up. I was hoping one discharge would allow for battery calibration. This morning, went to check that diags, the status remains enabled/not activated and the battery is charged fully up to 100%.

When I saw my battery had charged to full instead of a preset percentage, I contacted HP Support via chat. HP Support 'remoted' into take control of my desktop. I already had, but they reflashed my BIOS, updated drivers, checked the battery status, checked with co-workers, and then told me that this model does not have Adaptive Battery Optimizer.

Initially the DX screen showed Primary_ChargeControl: Not Supported

On a reboot, the DX screen shows: Primary_ChargeControl: Failed

The online technician ran a battery test which showed the battery status itself as GOOD.

There is seemingly conflicting information and I am unclear as to what the diagnostics are actually indicating. I do know that on other laptops I own, Dell XPS and Microsoft Surface, when the battery optimizer is used it limits charge at a user set or preset level respectively.

Best charger on the market, I have three of them, has desulphating feature, this removes crystals that form on the batteries plates which keeps the battery from getting a full charge. the picture shows the UK plug but all mine came with the correct 110V USA plug.

Your Android device likely has a battery optimizer that limits or stops apps (such as Cardata) from working in order to lengthen battery life. With battery optimization on, Cardata may not capture your trips accurately. To avoid such issues, we highly recommend you turn off your device's battery optimizer.

I've seen some people write workarounds for this problem but they target specific android versions. My app targets android Pie and I haven't seen any "generic" solution to this problem yet. All solutions are either device/brand specific or API level specific. For now I'm testing the app on Huawei Y7 prime 2018 (Android O) and on my device, i got around this by manually disallowing the phone manager app to manage my application, this way the service does run indefinitely until the user kills it from the app. The nature of the application is such that i need minimum user engagement and i don't expect the users to go through the hassle of manually disabling my app from battery optimizer/phone manager app. My class is attached, if somebody could please provide either a better implementation of this service or some generic method to keep it alive, that'd be great. Even some hack to make sure that onDestroy() gets called before the system kills the application would work!

I see on the forums that there is a full guide for Windows battery optimization made for the 11th gen. Is there any similar resource made/planned for the new model, or even general tips? I am a novice at this type of optimization, though I have used Throttlestop before. Knowing what apps can help, and what needs to run on the background (i.e. Intel Graphics Command Center), how to dynamically tweak BIOS, expansion card management, etc. would be very helpful. An official guide would be amazing.

Edit: Added sleep battery draw chart

Another question(s): I know sleep mode sips power because it keeps the volatile memory (RAM) powered. Does the framework using SODIMMs instead of LPDDR4 mean battery drain in sleep will always be worse than comprable ultrabooks?

There was a conscious tradeoff made by choosing to use a higher-resolution display instead of the standard 1080p. This is probably the largest contributor to battery drain, and it has similar battery life to other similar-size laptops with similar high-res screens (e.g. ThinkPad X1 Titanium or HP Spectre 14) which I think is acceptable.

Before starting the calibration, please connect the adapter and do not remove it until Battery Calibration is done. 

Please also make sure that the battery is properly set in place, and there are no other applications running.

For laptops which do not support UWP Dragon Center, Creator Center and MSI Center for Business and Productivity, Battery Calibration needs to be installed individually.

Click on the Start menu, then look for Battery Calibration in the MSI folder.

Before starting the calibration, please connect the adapter and do not remove it until Battery Calibration is done. 

Please also make sure that the battery is properly set in place, and there are no other applications running.

When all requirements are met, the Start button will be available. Click on it to start calibrating the battery.

Once the calibration is done, click on OK and quit Battery Calibration. 17dc91bb1f

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