
Panel 1: Cultural Politics in the Divided City of Berlin.
Wednesday, July 3 2024

Chair: Dörte Schmidt, Maurice Mengel

This topic widens the perspective and looks at cultural politics at comunal, state and federal level and interactions with various musical fields in the East and West Berlin. It focuses on the cultural policy framework and the aforementioned competition for the international. The institutions founded by the Ford Foundation in 1962 and their political positioning not only found direct echoes, e.g. in the programmes of the Berlin Festival Weeks, but also had an impact on the wider German scene (e.g. the Darmstadt Summer Courses, Donaueschingen etc.), the radio programmes and also became effective in East Berlin (where, for example, the scholarship holders of the DAAD programme were able to travel without difficulty).

Panel 2: Festivals, Concerts and other Performances in the two Berlins. Thursday, July 4 2024

Chair: Giovanni Giuriati, Lars-Christian Koch, Albrecht Wiedmann

This topic looks at unusual and influential festivals and concerts in both Berlins to better understand the context in which the IITM organized its own activities. Presentations could explore, for example, the Metamusik-Festival held 1974 in Berlin which combined the new music (Neue Musik) scene, popular music and what soon would be called “world music”. In the East the Festival des Politischen Liedes (Festival of Political Song) had from its inception in 1970 to 1990 an international or even global outlook that anticipated in some ways the World Music boom of the 1980s.

Panel 3: Music Collections Between East and West Berlin - People and Places. Friday, July 5 2024

Chair: Rebecca Wolf, Sebastian Klotz

This topic focuses on people and places (archives, studios, museums, research institutions) that are important for international, cosmopolitan and global music activities on both sides of the wall. This also provides space to explore Alain Dainelou, his interest in India and the early years of the IITM in Berlin as well as a host of other institutions including, but not limited to the Phonogramm-Archiv, conservatories, the Lautarchiv, the universities.