The Pilgrimage
Make time for a personal pilgrimage this year
Observing Easter season cuts to the core of a believer's relationship with Jesus. During Lent we remember our great sin and humble ourselves in confession to God. We recommit ourselves again to following him. But juxtaposed with this heaviness and this mourning over our sin, is the freeing joy of forgiveness. After dying to ourselves, we rise to Christ and we experience the blinding glory of Grace that wipes the slate clean and welcomes us with open arms.
This year, Southbay invites you to take a personal retreat -- called The Pilgrimage. During this one-day retreat*, you will spend quiet time in confession, reflection and commitment to God. You will meditate on his Word and open yourself up to hear from Him.
This is a self-paced pilgrimage, intended to be experienced alone or with your immediate family.
*Depending on how you plan your pilgrimage, it may take place over two days.
Plan Your Pilgrimage
4Step 1
Plan a day to go during Holy Week: Sunday, March 28 - Saturday, April 3, 2021. Good Friday (April 2) or the next day Saturday (April 3) are recommended.
**Station 3 will only be open on Friday and Saturday (April 2-3, 2021 from 4pm-10pm).**
Block off your calendar for 6-8 hours.
Step 2
Choose one location from Station 1 and one location from Station 2.
Step 3
Gather all the items needed for each station.
Step 4
Plan your driving route. There are suggestions for places to grab a meal after each location.
Step 5
Pick up from church or print the questions/materials for your pilgrimage (Available now!)
Choose one location from Station 1 and one location from Station 2. Station 3 will only be open on Friday and Saturday (April 2-3, 2021 from 1pm-10pm).
The final location is at church. This station is available April 2-3 from 4pm-10pm.
Modified pilgrimages
Have difficulties walking far or aren't able to leave your house? Have young kids and can't imagine a day of quiet solitude? Here are some ideas to modify your pilgrimage experience.
We recommend a single day for your pilgrimage, but if you aren't able to do that, you can also split it into multiple days.
Nature Walk with Young Kids
Little legs aren't able to walk far and young children may not be able to stay amused for a long period while you pray and reflect. Instead, take them on a nature walk and collect some items such as leaves, rocks or pinecones to bring home. Thank God together for His beautiful creation.
Take some pictures and collect some leaves for yourself! When you get home, let the kids take an afternoon nap and you can have a cup of tea and reflection time.
Bike Ride with Older Kids
A bike ride can be a great time for praying or thinking quietly. Even while you are riding together, you can be alone with your own thoughts.
Ask your kids to notice some examples of God's beautiful creation. Stop now and then to compare what you have noticed.
Backyard or Patio Picnic
If you're not able to leave your house, pack a picnic for the backyard. Find menu items which can be eaten cold and with fingers. Suggested menu: finger sandwiches, carrot sticks, hard-boiled eggs, cookies and fruit. Put out a picnic blanket or a patio chair. Eating outdoors is great because you don't have to worry too much about crumbs!
After you eat, linger in your patio chair and have some reflection time.
Home Spa Day
If you can't leave your house and don't have a backyard, consider an extended "spa" time in your bathroom. Run yourself an extended hot shower or a warm bubble bath or find a comfortable chair to recline in while you pray. The idea is to remove yourself from your phone, computer or other distractions so that you can hear from God.
Share your experience
Take a picture of your reflection time and share it to Instagram or Facebook. Use #thepilgrimage or #easter2021scbc to let others know about your experience with God