Exploration the Applications of Statistics and Machine Learning in Electronics

Analysis Prognostics Control Measurement Testing

The project is supported by the Bulgarian Science Fund.

Technical University of Sofia

Statistic analysis

Statistical analysis in electronics is an important method when stochastic processes need to be modeled and evaluated. Complex interactions between electronic components, as well as the influence of external or accidental internal factors, can impair the performance of an electronic circuit or device, cause unexpected behavior and output response, or lead to irreversible damage. Statistical analysis allows malfunctioning components to be thoroughly investigated and corrected.

Machine learning

Application of machine learning in electronics contributes to the study, prediction and better understanding of the behavior of electronic circuits and devices. Machine learning algorithms can be used to model electronic circuits and to solve complex problems. They are applied in the field of testing and diagnostics. Methodologies and models for processing "big data" and building forecasting and analytical models to support decision-making and solving engineering problems are created.