More Photos of the awards night during EURODYN 23  can be found here

The EASD Research Prizes are presented during EURODYN in recognition of outstanding and sustained contributions to the following areas:

In each of those three areas Senior and Junior Prizes, respectively, will be awarded. Eligibility for Junior Prizes requires that the nominee is forty years old or younger and should not turn 41 in the year the award is presented.

Special Awards will be given for outstanding contributions to other important areas not encompassed above, such as Structural Dynamics Education, Transfer of Structural Dynamics Methods to Engineering Practice, etc. Special Awards are also given to honour individuals who have made outstanding and sustained contributions in the field of Structural Dynamics and related fields generally over periods representing portions of their professional careers.

The awards presented at EURODYN '23 carry the following citations:

Matthias Faes  - "for his innovative contribution in developing mathematical tools in the field of structural dynamics associated with uncertainty quantification, reliability analysis, design optimization and identification of complex systems."

Wang-Ji Yan   - "for his innovative scientific accomplishments in the areas of modal identification, Bayesian uncertainty quantification, computational dynamics and structural health monitoring.. "

Pedro Montenegro  - "for his innovative contributions to the development of new methodologies for evaluating the train-bridge dynamic behaviour, the computational implementation of these models and their application to real cases."

Vincenzo Gattulli   - "for his important contributions in the fields of in structural dynamics, control, and identification by vibration monitoring, with numerous real applications."

Anand Kumar Yadav  - "for his important contributions in numerical modelling and scientific computing of wave phenomena in anisotropic and isotropic materials ."

Elsa Caetano  - "for her outstanding contributions in the field of continuous dynamic monitoring of full-scale structures, while developing new instrumentation and implementing automatic identification techniques."

Robin Langley  - "for his ingenious breakthroughs in vibro-acoustics, nonlinear dynamics, uncertainty quantification, energy harvesting, information theory, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and many more. ."

Mario di Paola  - "for his outstanding contributions in the fields of Structural Dynamics, earthquake engineering, wind engineering, ocean engineering, nonlocal continuum mechanics, and viscoelasticity."

EURODYN 2026 will take place in Hannover, Germany, and will be organized by Prof. Michael Beer