


September 2017

The European Association for Structural Dynamics – EASD is formed primarily for facilitating and perpetuating the dialog between engineers and scientists with specialized interest and expertise in Structural Dynamics.

Devoted to theoretical developments and applications of structural dynamics of all types of structures, coupled systems and structural materials EASD

 The Association shall be organized under the direction of the President and the Executive Board. All elections are to be conducted normally during the EURODYN Conferences, at which time the duties of the current officials are transferred to the new officials.

2.1 Officers of the Association

President – The President shall be elected by the Executive Board for the term until the second upcoming EURODYN-Conference.  

Past-Presidents — Past Presidents are all former Presidents.

2.2 Executive Board

Members of the Executive Board are all chairmen of the last three EURODYN-conferences and Honorary Presidents.

The President and the chairman of the next EURODYN-conference are ex-officio members of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board may vote by majority to include further members for addressing specific issues. Furthermore, it will invite at least one distinguished young researcher (age below 40 years) in the field of Structural Dynamics to become a member of the Executive Board.

The Board is chaired by the President.

The members of the Executive Board take over responsibilities for specific tasks. The Executive Board defines these tasks and assigns them to the individual members for the period to the next upcoming EURODYN-conference.


2.3 Senior Advisory Board

Former members of the Executive Board form the Senior Advisory Board. The members of the Senior Advisory Board support the Executive Board with their advice contributing to continuity in the development of EASD.


2.4 Members

Membership is linked with the participation at the EURODYN Conferences.

It starts with the registration and payment for the conference. Participants of the EURODYN´s remain member in the EASD until the last day of the second upcoming conference.

In addition, the Executive Board is free to invite experts of Structural Dynamics with international standing as Chartered Members.

All laureates of the EASD awards are Chartered Members of EASD.

 The EASD can recognize outstanding achievement in research with Awards.

 The Chair of the Awards Committee is elected by the Executive Board for the period to the next upcoming EURODYN. The Chair of the Awards Committee appoints the Awards-Committee (AC). The AC prepares the call for proposals and proposes laureates to the Awards Decision Body consisting out of the Executive Board, the Chair of the Awards Committee and the Chairman of the next EURODYN conference. The Awards Decision Body decides on the laureates. The awards ceremony takes places within the scope of the EURODYN conferences.

The Headquarters of the Association shall be located at the Office of the President.

 The EURODYN conferences shall be organized with an interval of approximately two to four years at locations to be selected and approved by the Executive Board. The conference chairma(e)n is (are) selected by the Executive Board.. The chairman and the President  are free to select further co-chairma(e)n.

The President is responsible for soliciting appropriate proposals. The conference chairma(e)n is (are) assisted by the following committees:


5.1 International Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee for each EURODYN shall be chaired by the President of the EASD, with members to be appointed by the Chairman of the EURODYN on behalf of the Executive Board. This Committee shall be responsible for developing the Technical Program of the Conference.


5.2 Conference Organizing Committee

The Conference Organizing Committee shall consist of the chairman of the EURODYN and members to be appointed by the Conference Chairman. This Committee shall be responsible for the local organization and all the arrangements necessary for holding the EURODYN.

The financial responsibility of a particular EURODYN Conference rests fully upon its respective Chairman.

5.3 Financial Aspects

5 % of the conference fees are allocated to the reserves of EASD. The President is  in charge of the administration of the reserves. Mainly the following activities are financed out of the reserves:


The officers of EASD and the members of the Executive Board are not salaried by EASD.

The By-laws can be amended at any time through a majority vote of the Executive Board.


Innsbruck, February 28, 2003

Approved unanimously by the Executive Board of EASD.