Conference and Work shop

5. Rishikesh Kulkarni, Earu Banoth & Parama Pal, “Automatic Surface Defect Detection Using Autoregressive Modeling-based Fringe Analysis”, Frontiers in Optics: the 102nd OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science Conference, Sep 2018, USA, paper accepted for poster presentation.

4. Earu Banoth & S.S. Gorthi, “Absorption Flow-Cytometer for Point-of-Care Malaria Diagnosis ”(Indo-US FCM-2016 Workshop).

3. Earu Banoth, V. Jagannadh & S.S. Gorthi, “Single Cell Optical Transmittance Based Label-free Malaria Detection at the Point-of-care ”12th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper T3A.5

2. Earu Banoth, V. K. Jagannadh, R. Srinivasan & S.S. Gorthi, “Single-cell Transmittance Measurements on Blood-Smear for the Detection of Malaria ”, Optics’14 International Conference on Light, Calicut, India, 2014.

1. Earu Banoth, Shiva Krishina B., Prasinjith C, “Priority based Load Management System”, National Conference at Guru Nanak Engg College, 2008