Earhart Elementary School

Wichita, KS 

Fall Festival

Saturday, October 21, 2023  :   5:30 pm- 9 pm

Our even in 2023 was a huge success and brought in $49,000. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this event.

Earhart Environment Magnet's Fall Festival is a wonderful evening for Earhart families to come together and support the school while having a lot of fun. It is the school's only fundraiser. In order to support the school, we hope to raise close to $35,000 during this event.

Money raised from this event is used to pay for items such as T-shirts for all students and staff, conference lunches for teachers, pond maintenance, and camp supplies including ice machine rental and teacher appreciation week food and gifts.

Last year we purchased Choral Riser as the first step toward our Amphitheater. This year, we hope to have the funds to lay a concrete slap as a second step to the Amphitheater. Both of these items will be helpful during camps, Earth Day, and music concerts.

Some of the events that take place are:

All this wouldn't be possible without all of our fabulous donors.

Contact Information

To Donate Contact:

Charly Goodson 


Join our workdays:

Tuesday, 9/19

Tuesday, 10/3

Tuesday, 10/10 (& reg. PTO meeting)

Tuesday 10/17

6:00-7:30 in the Library.


To volunteer with PTO:

Please email earhartmagnetpto@yahoo.com

This event is organized by the Earhart Environmental Magnet PTO

A supporting Organization of Earhart Environmental Magnet Elementary School

4401 N Arkansas

Wichita KS 67204