Feb 11 - 15, 2025
Kyushu University, Fukuoka


in times of POLYCRISIS: 

Perspective from East Asia and Beyond

Venue: Kyushu University (Ohashi Campus), Fukuoka

Date: Feb 11 (Tue) - 15 (Sat), 2025
Field theorising site visit:  Fukuoka (Feb 11) & Osaka (Feb 14-15) (optional)
Welcome party: Feb 12 (Wed)


13 February 2025: Please find the links for all three venues (Microsoft Teams)

Room 531

Room 532 

Room 533

9 February 2025: Correction on the program --> Smoking is prohibited. Thank you for your attention.  

8 February 2025: List of the Fukuoka Excursion Trip and Map!! Please print the map by yourself. Or use the digital version. Thanks!
5 February 2025: Final EARCAG Program (ver 0205)
3 February 2025: Updates on the Program; Venue Map; Getting There/ Organising Your Trip
31 January 2025: 1. Program Schedule Update (revised IV); 2. List of Participants: Fukuoka Trip Group 1 (morning) & 2 (afternoon)
30 January 2025: Session Guidelines
24 January 2025: Tentative Program Schedule (revised III)
23 January 2025: Field trip information updates (in progress)
21 January 2025: Tentative Program Schedule (revised II)
19 January 2025: Tentative Program Schedule (revised)
18 January 2025: Tentative Program Schedule
28 December 2024: Online registration is closed
24 December 2024: REMINDER FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION; Update of Session proposals and Keynote speech abstracts

10 December 2024: Online Registration is now open for presenters and attendees (Dec 10-27)  

25 November 2024: 1. Session proposals; 2. Venue; 3. Organise your trip

1 November 2024: 1. Deadline extended, 2. Registration fees and one-day passes,3. Arrangements of field trips, 4. On-line presentation, 5. Venue

Venue address:

 Kyushu University - Ohashi Campus (九州大学 大橋キャンパス)
Address: #531 - 533, 3/F., Building 5, 4-9-1 Shiobaru Minami-ku Fukuoka 815-8540, Japan
(See: Venue Organise your trip )

Session Guidelines: The time for each regular session is 90 minutes. 

11th EARCAG FULL PROGRAM (ver.0205 - updated on 20250209 at 22:57 JST)

11th EARCAG FUKOKA PROGRAM ver0209 6.pdf

2025 conference theme

Current global tensions are dramatically reshaping the global, political, economic, and urban landscape. As East Asia increasingly finds itself at the forefront of what is now considered a permanent polycrisis, there is an urgent need to come to terms with its socio-spatial consequences, which span a variety of scales, including military escalation, infrastructural realignment, energy transition, AI technology, re/de-urbanisation, temporary to permanent migration, employment restructuring, new solidarity structures/care infrastructures, and the politics of everyday life. To address these pressing issues, we call for expanded perspectives on territorial justice that include (but are not limited to) key themes, such as:

Call for sessions & abstracts

Sessions organisers: Please submit by 8 Nov. 2024   29 Nov. 2024, with TITLE and DESCRIPTION of the session(s) and names of prospective presenters to earcagfukuoka@gmail.com

Individual presenters: Please submit by 15 Nov. 2024 29 Nov. 2024, with the TITLE and ABSTRACT (ca. 300 words) to earcagfukuoka@gmail.com.


Organiser: Kyushu University Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society (ISGS) 

Co-organiser: East Asian Conference in Alternative Geography (EARCAG) 

Promoter: The Human Geographical Society of Japan (HGSJ)

Sponsor: JSPS Grant-in-Aids (#22K01047, #23K20548), ISGS Comprehensive East Asia and Japan Research Course


Registration is NOW open until December 27, 2024  (Closed)

For submission and enquiries, 

please email to earcagfukuoka@gmail.com