EALC Parents' Portal

A Guide for EALC Parents, Guardians & Caregivers

EALC recognizes the paramount importance of parent-cooperation, support and commitment. Thus with the desire to work hand in hand with the parents to make EALC a second home, the school has formulated policies, rules and regulations found in this handbook to achieve its goals.
This virtual portal for parents was created to address the immediate need of the school to deliver and communicate vital information to parents in a speedy manner which is through the world wide web.

Blended Learning this
SY 2022-2023

Blended is a combination of E-learning and limited in-person classes.

Step 1: Online Survey & Reservation

Step 2: Registration & Enrollment Form

Step 3: Online Payment & Verification

Calendar year will be changed to Trimester to fit the new
schedule provided by DepEd by August 2022.

1st trimester - August to November 2022
2nd trimester - December 2022 to March 2023
3rd trimester - April to July 2023
Summer - July to August 2023


All online curriculum will follow the original curriculum being taught in a school setting and will be credited as a continuation of the minimum competencies required by DepEd to finish the basic education required for graduation. Books and materials will be the same, except that they are transformed into digital presentation.