
Movilidad 1: "Life coaching for teachers: happy teachers for better students" Europass Teacher Academy, Florencia, Italia, del 24 al 28 junio de 2019

"Life coaching for teachers: happy teachers for better students"

Movilidad 2 Coaching Skills and Practice - ALP Viena Austria. 21-26 / 10 / 2019

Movilidad 3: Peer Coaching as a sustainable source of professional developement /Asesoría entre iguales como fuente sostenible de desarrollo profesional. Skupina Primera. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 10-16/11/2019

Movilidad 4: Emotional intelligence and coaching skills for teachers, school and adult education staff. IFOM- Institute for Training, Employability and Learning Mobility. BOLONIA, ITALIA. 19-25 ENERO 2020

Movilidad 5: The power of Educational Coaching. DOREA Aprendizaje en línea. 12-16 Abril 2021