Key Moments of Learning


Fall Semester 2019 - Spring 2020

Children, Youth, and Families (Youth Center)

During my sophomore year at Front Range Community College, I was also enrolled at CU Boulder through the School of Ed. Where I got an internship, at the Youth Center. During this time, I learned how to multitask and expanded my leadership skills within the Longmont and Boulder community. Throughout my internship, I was a part of Supporting Action for Mental Health in the Latinx Community (SAMLA) board (more info.). As well as the ReWind program, where I continue to be a board member.

Public Achievement Testimony

Public Achievement brought me to CU Boulder. It is where I found my mentors and my best friends. They encouraged me to attend CU Boulder full-time and keep expanding my leadership skills. During my first year in PA, I coached a group of freshman-sophomores working on spreading awareness of gun violence in their high school. As well as becoming a TA the following year working with a group of middle schoolers who created collages about racial inequalities.

More Info.

Coach: Fall Semester 2019 - Spring Semester 2020

TA: Fall 2020 - Spring Semester 2021

Summer 2020

"Never Say Never"

For as long as I can remember, I always said that I would NEVER attend CU Boulder. Growing up in Colorado, CU Boulder is pushed as the only option we've got. Going on endless campus tours, I noticed that being on campus gave me a lot of anxiety. It was too big and there continues to be a lack of diversity. I didn't see how a first-generation Latina student could make it. Who would support me? How could I make it? The education system has always failed its minority students. I never got to expand my leadership skills throughout my K-12 education, it was always limited by opportunities and resources. I'd figure it would be the same at CU Boulder but even worse since I expected endless discrimination. I see myself as a scared caterpillar in that moment of my life.

Until life teaches you a valuable lesson; "never say never." Life happened and it brings you to places you never expected to be at. I met powerful Latina women who showed me the way and took me up under their wing. They gave me power and taught me about how powerful Latina women can be. But most importantly that we need to be representatives and show society just how brave and powerful we can be. I faced my fears every day as I walked further and further onto the campus. Just by the few years that I've been on campus, I've expanded my leadership skills beyond my wildest expectations. I've become a butterfly that isn't afraid to be a minority on campus but rather finds my "status" as my motive/power to keep going and to prove the educational system and society wrong. I am a leader and I'll never say never due to fear or uncertainty.

"¡Si Se Puede!"

"Youth are Powerful Social Change Makers"

We are told from a young age that "the youth are the leaders of the new world." But despite this, the complete opposite continues to be displayed. As we are often told that the youth aren't capable of handling the troubles of the world and that they're too lazy to figure out anything. I realized from a young age that our voices were shut down by our peers, society, and our education system. Our educational system is supposed to foster and lead our students to become great leaders and be change-makers. But it just dims students' light down with each education year. As each of us continues to be educated in a broken education system.

Education inequality is the social change issue that I am most passionate about. As I want to be an educator/change-maker that acts as a support and guide for students of color. I want to be the leader/mentor I never had and give students a chance to realize how powerful they are and bring truth to the so told saying we are told but not given a chance to act on. Working alongside the youth these past three years, I've realized just how powerful they are, how passionate they are about social change, and how motivated they are if they have the correct guidance and encouragement. "We are the ones we've been waiting for" and this is a saying I continue to teach my students. As it is a quote of resiliency that they are powerful and that they should not wait around for anyone or even for adulthood to make a difference in the world.

I teach my students about social change and advocacy. Throughout every project, they spread awareness and power to their community. This I know is certain, youth are powerful change-makers.

Internship: Fall 2020-Spring 2021

Program Assistant: Summer 2021- Present

Fall Semester 2020 - Present

"Unexpected Friendship are the Best Friendships"

We tend to group with people who are just like us; who look like us, that believe what we've been taught to believe, and that have generally been through the same experiences we've been through. It's the way the world has worked throughout centuries. Although, these beliefs have been the darkness of the world. As it has kept people divided and has made people fear those who look different or come from different backgrounds. Differences are our greatest strengths but have been out to be seen as things we should fear. It's difficult to become friends with different groups of people because it hasn't been in our nature.

For a time, I believed, that I would never have such a tight group of friendships. Let alone such a diverse group of friends that not only look different than I do, but they've also been thought different beliefs than I have, and come from completely different experiences. I met my closest friends at CU, the place I never intended to attend. The place I feared because I was a minority as CU's population is predominantly white school. I avoided CU as much as I could, never realizing that my people were there. Despite our differences, we realized just how similar we were. They made CU feel safe and even smaller because I knew they were there. I never expected to go through any of the pathways I've gone through these past few years, but I'm really glad I went through them because if I didn't, I wouldn't have the group of friends I have now.

We grow from each other's differences, we value them, and we move forward expanding those differences that make us who we are to become greater leaders of this world. Leaders who value differences and change.

My best friendships were not only in the least place I expected them to be but with people I least expected to become friends with. Life is a mystery indeed, touche.