
There are two sonnets about friends below... "Flower Power" and "A Sonnet to My Friends"


In spring my friends bouquet themselves, like flowers

The greens and golds and reds combine in joy

That spring’s comraderie might full employ

Their youth, their love, all their Heav’n sent powers.

The bulbs of truth set deep in fall, arise

From winter’s meditation, up they grope

Now gaining strength in numbers, filled with hope

To spread their rad’ance upward toward the skies.

Their lines of grace, their winding beaut’ous robes

Assemble fashions tailors skilled can’t know

And offer limped humanity a show

Whose grandeur fills the heav’ns and its globes.

Then are you growing flowers that inspire

The flowers in your garden on to life?

To fight the battle, unconcerned with strife

Because the purposes that you serve are higher?

Then in your garden plot I’d gladly dwell

Its fragrances assuring weaker friends

That here are serviced good and nobler ends

Anointed with the Spirit’s special spell.

Larry Pahl, Pennsboro, WV

Won first place in the Ritchie County, WV Poetry Contest, 1989

vii. A Sonnet to My Friends

April, 1973

My friends, like flow'rs, bouquet their stems in spring;

Unruly strains unlike alone combine

Their solitary fragrances to bring

A lovely scented, unified design.

For even disputation and dissent

Are harmonized in time, and jealous turns

Of crowded leaves and petals do relent

When friendship Thanatos's rule adjourns.

And friendship, sim'lar to a plann'd boquet,

With prearranged handiwork involved,

Attests, through synergetic pow'r, a Way

Above the friends, that Cosmos is resolved.

Until the flora wilt and friends unloose,

Believe will I in some full splendored zeus.