Electric Mobility

Vehicles powered by electric motor, which include electrified automobile (BEVs, HEVs, PHEVs, FCEVs), and electric aircraft (small UAVs or drones), underwater vessels (ROV and AUV).

Electric Motor

Source of vehicle propulsion, which will replace conventional internal combustion engines. It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce linear or rotary motion.

Vehicle body structure

Frame structure for supporting components, passengers or cargo of vehicles. It need to withstand static and dynamic loads acting on a vehicle, and should be lightweight for fuel efficiency.

Research Topics



Materials or structures that address not only the load-carrying function, but also thermal, and electromagnetic functions. Our lab seeks to develop multifunctional composites to achieve a lightweight and versatile structure for E-mobility system.



Multi-scale simulation

Simulation techniques for analyzing coupled physical phenomenon among mechanical, thermal, and electromagnetic disciplines on materials and structures across various length scales. Our lab is developing multi-physics and multi-scale simulation techniques that can facilitate the performance enhancement of E-mobility system.


topology optimization

A mathematical design approach that aims to determine optimal material layout for a given goal. It is initiated to solve design problem for structural stiffness, and extended to various physical disciplines such as thermal, fluid, and electromagnetic fields. Our lab is working on the development of next-generation topology optimization algorithms.

Additive manufacturing

Manufacturing technique to construct a 3D object from a CAD model. It enables to fabricate complex shapes and geometries that might be impossible in conventional manufacturing techniques. Additive manufacturing enables us to produce structures and devices that are designed for E-mobility system.

Machine learning

for design optimization

The accuracy and efficiency of design optimization can be enhanced through machine learning algorithms. Our lab seeks to apply cutting-edge machine learning algorithms for advancing the design optimization of E-mobility system.