Establishment and aim of the foundation

The Dutch Law Institute is a Dutch NGO. It has been established (in the form of a Dutch foundation, in Dutch: stichting) in May 2021. The founders are three lawyers in the Netherlands, operating in close consultation with a number of third parties.

The Institute aims to be an independent and preeminent center of expertise in the fast-expanding areas of:

  1. Dutch contract law

  2. employment law in the Netherlands

  3. Dutch business law and

  4. legal proceedings in the Netherlands.

The Dutch Law Institute is publishing an online English guide on contract law in the Netherlands, Dutch employment law, business law in the Netherlands and Dutch litigation. This legal guide is edited by a number of selected expert lawyers. With this publication, the Institute intends to increase the accessibility of Dutch law.

In addition to these legal services and outreach activities, our legal affairs bureau and research institute pursues a number of other activities to promote the accessibility of these areas of Dutch law. These activities include providing commentary in (inter)national media, giving policy advice, and organizing lectures, seminars and other events.