Get Involved

Art by 3rd Grader at Sandy Ridge Elementary School

Everyone has a role to play to make Durham a better place for babies, toddlers, young children and their families. Join us!

Stay Updated About the Plan and Next Steps

Share the Durham ECAP with Your Community

There are nearly 35,000 children from birth through age 8 in Durham County. We believe each and every child deserves to grow up in a community where they can THRIVE. Check out Durham’s shared goals and strategies to support Durham’s youngest population in Durham's Early Childhood Action Plan.

We encourage you to share the plan far and wide! You can share via email, social media, or print using this communications toolkit:

ECAP Calendar

Sign up for a 1:1 appointment or request a presentation to your organization or community group at this Calendly.

Share Your Thoughts, Feedback, and Ideas

Seeking Support for Your Family?

Nurturing Durham: A Resource Guide for Durham’s Young Children, Parents & Families