The command to install a manually downloaded snap file looks like snap install duplicity_1.x.x_amd64.snap --dangerous --classic. NOTE: these will not autoupgrade on new releases.

/media/ubuntu/Toshiba\ HDD/BACKUPS/Documents/ is where all the duplicity files are, and /media/ubuntu/9fb63c8e-ecb5-4c55-b4e0-282e7b4a82ff/tmp/docs/ a temporary destination folder I want to restore the files to.

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We are using an Ubuntu 12.04 VPS for this guide. The duplicity package in the default repositories is outdated, and actually suffers from some problems with connecting to remote hosts due to a change in the backend.

Next, you will be setting up a passphrase to use with GPG. Unlike with the SSH keys, where we defaulted to no passphrase allow duplicity to operate in the background, you should supply a passphrase for this step to allow secure encryption and decryption of your data.

Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-formatvolumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server. Becauseduplicity useslibrsync, theincremental archives are space efficient and only record the parts offiles that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity usesGnuPG to encrypt and/or sign thesearchives, they will be safe from spying and/or modification by theserver.

The duplicity package also includes the rdiffdirutility. Rdiffdir is an extension of librsync'srdiff to directories---it can be used to producesignatures and deltas of directories as well as regular files. Thesesignatures and deltas are in GNU tar format.

Duplicity is fairly mature software. As with any software, it may still have a few bugs, butwill work for normal usage and is in use now for large personal and corporate backups.If you have questions try themailing list.Bug reports and bug fixes can be entered through theduplicity's GitLab project and git repository.In theory many protocols for connecting to a file server could besupported; so farAmazon S3Backblaze B2DropBoxftpGIOGoogle DocsGoogle DriveHSIHubicIMAPlocal filesystemMega.coMicrosoft AzureMicrosoft Onedrivepar2Rackspace CloudfilesrclonersyncSkylabelssh/scpSwiftStackTahoe-LAFSWebDAVhave been written. Currently duplicity supports deleted files,full unix permissions, directories, and symbolic links, fifos, anddevice files, but not hard links.

Warning: If you are upgrading from your distribution's repository to the tarball version,or from the tarball version to your distribution's version,please be sure to remove or purge the distribution's version of duplicity. Failure to do so may result inconfusing results since the repository and tarball versions may install in different locations.Older versions are also available for the budding historians in thedownloads area.

I've checked for typographic errors. I've checked with duplicity's documentation and third-party duplicity documentation and nothing seems to address it. Any ideas? I'm guessing it's something easy that I'm missing, but it's been days and I just can't find what's causing the error.

My system upgraded to 22.04. I was having issues unable to boot.

I created a backup of all my files in the Recovery Mode. Onto an external 500 GB Hard drive.

I reformatted the hard drive and re-installed 22.04.

Now going to Applications > Utilities > Backup.

I select to Restore from a backup.

And I receive this error: Failed to read duplicity-full-signatures. 20220818T155126Z.sigtar.gz: CRC check failed 0xc5eba518!=0xae357fd0

So, I decided to try and upgrade librsync as well, to the latest stable version (2.0). After struggling with dependencies for that, I finally got both librsync and duplicity updated to their latest stable versions.

Both pl.smith's and alexw's answers are correct here, but in combination. I received an identical error attempting to upgrade from duplicity 0.7.6 to 0.7.14 using pip on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Here's what I did to fix them:

Create a folder, e.g. /home/username/backup-duplicity, and place the following files into it. These are set up to back up /home/username and /etc while skipping some of the unwanted directories under the /home/username, such as cache, trash, and downloads.

Here we are using the Host definition placed into /etc/ssh/ssh_config. Note that the path to the backup folders has to be absolute, and since we are logging in as the ubuntu user, it has to start with /home/ubuntu. These folders will be created in the backup process if they don't already exist.

I think that /tmp filename is a file that duplicity proceeds to throw away. It copies files there, tries to unpack them, then cleans up after itself (regardless of success). So that error message would be a lot more useful if it indicated what the actual source file it had copied from the storage location was named (like duplicity-vol1.gz or whatever).

I don't run duplicity via the command line. I run it using the Ubuntu

GUI app "Backups" which I believe is just a gui-name for deja-dup. In

that setup I have a saved Preferences which governs how the Backup is

done, which files/directories to back up, which to exclude, where to

send the backup, etc.

Evidently, the deja-dup app is saving this information in a config file

somewhere and then building a command line to send to duplicity. I

don't see how to invoke duplicity so as to use these config files, whose

location I don't know either.

Redirecting this to log does indeed produce a massive file.

Hopefully, this is what you are looking for. If not please let me know

how to

1) run duplicity so that my deja-dup preferences are used or

2) run deja-dup to produce the input you want.

The networked machine is an old desktop running a very old version of Ubuntu. There is no Windows involved here, and no mount so I'm not understanding where Samba comes into the picture. As I said in the original statement of the bug, I am connecting via the SSH protocol, so I am not entirely sure where the question of mounting a drive comes in. If I do mount a drive from the other machine, would this solve my problem and enable backups to finish, and if so, what protocol should I then set up duplicity to use? Or would another of the available duplicity protocols work better for me?

My idea is this: what happens if there is not enough room to complete the backup on the intended drive? What error message does duplicity give in that case? I have no memory of any particular error message on 2021/10/07, though I do remember a problem, and being unable to solve it then, I simply gave up on backups for awhile, which I hoped to get back to with 22.04.

All systems run a bit strange if disk space runs out, most not too gracefully. duplicity will estimate the space needed on the local system to run duplicity, but cannot check the remote. It will fail with whatever status the remote returns, which you should then correct if possible. I don't know what caused your truncation, but the error message should now be clearer and have the responsible filename in it.

As noted in the Deja Dup documentation, Deja Dup is basically just a wrapper for a command line tool called duplicity. Deja Dup will be kind enough to remind you of this if you don't have the command line tool installed:

There are a bunch of people posting to Ubuntu forums on how they get this message but when they try and install these they get some business about how the packages aren't available. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR: be sure to run sudo apt-get udpate before you go looking for duplicity and python-gi. There may actually be other reasons why the packages are unavailable. For me, though, all it took was running an update. After which, I had no problem installing the packages with apt:

Backing up data is among the most crucial duties for a system administrator who is in charge of managing servers. So, you must be knowledgeable in backup programs to make your work easier. One of the most vital backup tools is duplicity. Duplicity is a command-line backup application that allows you to backup directories by creating encryption and password-protected tar-format versions of the volumes that you can post to a distant or local file server.

In this article, we have explained to you the process to install duplicity on Ubuntu 20.04 and how to use it. Now I believe, you will easily complete the installation by following the method described above.

Bug present in both duplicity 0.6.11 on Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 (from PPA), and the standard shipping Maverick duplicity, which was used to create the backup.Python 2.6.6. Target file system is a godaddy Linux virtual server.Unfortunately I don't...

duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from spying and/or modification by the server.

I'm trying to restore a VDI file for VirtualBox from a Duplicity backup. The VDI file is about 40 GB. I have 189 GB (including ~/.cache/duplicity that is fully synced) of free space when I start the restore in the drive I try to restore the file to.

You can delete all backup sets older than the given time. Now suppose you want to retain 60 days of backup and remove files older than 60 days, enter:

duplicity remove-older-than 60D --encrypt-key="4AABBCC7" --force scp://

Pass the remove-all-but-n-full count to delete all backups sets that are older than the count:th last full backup. In other words, keep the last count full backups and associated incremental ets). The count must be larger than zero. A value of 1 means that only the single most recent backup chain will be kept. Note that the option --force will be needed to delete the files rather than just list them.

duplicity remove-all-but-n-full 10 --encrypt-key="4AABBCC7" --force scp:// 17dc91bb1f

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