I'm not really in a position to seed certain things. It would be nice to be able to set a torrent to stop seeding automatically when it finishes downloading. So far I have only been able to make the torrent program close automatically, but seeding is the real cause of anxiety. Thanks for reading!!

I'm planning on clearing out all my torrented files and deleting anything related to torrents, so I want to know... How do I stop seeding a torrent? I know it's seeding it, but I don't know how to stop it (I'm not the smartest, I used to know how but I forgot).

Qbittorrent Stop Seeding After Download Reddit

Download File 🔥 https://urlgoal.com/2y5yYa 🔥

Is there a way to automatically stop seeding a torrent if there's more than x seeders currently seeding?Preferably also combined with at least a 1:2 ratio or something but thats optional.I don't mind indefinitely seeding but to me it's kinda pointless to seed stuff that has like 200 seeders available while possibly letting other torrents die

Hello, i am new to torrenting, it is my understanding that after i torrent a file, qbittorrent will start seeding that file so that others can download it the same way i did. My question is, how long does this seeding carry on for? Is it a permanent process? Asking because i have limited internet.

But it just doesn't seem to work. I have torrents still happily seeding away that have reached a ratio of 14. I mean, it's fine, not bothered about my bandwidth but I want it to just stop them behind the scenes when I have seeded enough, and there must be some setting I have not taken into account (no, the torrents in question aren't in "super-seed" mode).

EDIT: I THOUGHT I had it - "Automatic Torrent Management": - once I set this manually for the "offending" torrents (under the right-click menu for the given torrent), they immediately stop seeding. Now I have this on Automatic by default (Tools->Options->Downloads), presumably any new torrents will behave the same.

Closed out of it yesterday, turned off my VPN, turned off PC. Came back today and saw that my ratios for alot of things went up pretty significantly. How can I stop it from seeding after I've closed it? I don't want to manually start and stop it every time I open/close the thing.

So just as a quick recap, what was happening was that I installed new hard drives and formatted my old ones, not before backing up all of qbittorrent's folders first. After reinstalling Windows and qbt, I put the folders back in place and when I opened the program, all my torrents were errored because of missing files, even the ones I hadn't changed the path to (they were still in the same, albeit newly formatted, hard drive and with the same path). Note: I had no ongoing downloads prior to doing this, all the torrents were seeding.

I've tried it with the alternative upload rate, but when set to zero it just overrides it and uploads at full speed. I wonder if this is intentional to stop people from downloading without seeding, which would be super annoying, as some people have good reasons for why they wouldn't want to seed during certain hours of the day. Just give users the ability to decide for themselves...

i have tried 4.1.9, 4.1.6, 4.1.5, and 4.1.4 and all of them have this issue. i am have been seeding some torrents but after a few hours they just stop uploading. as soon as i exit and start qbittorrent, they start uploading again.

I am seeding via qbittorrent. Only seeding, never downloading. Occasionally, my drive may go down and if qbittorrent tries to seed from that location that doesn't exist, it will start trying to download. At the moment, I have set the download to 1kbps, but this still causes issues when the files reappear since some crappy few kb files have now taken there place. Is it possible to completely block downloading?

As much as I don't want to do it since it's against the spirit of bT, I'd like to prevent seeding to rarbg or tpb as soon as a download is complete. Basically I'd like the torrent to automatically pause after download, but only if rarbg or tpb is in the tracker list.

I'm tired of getting to a ratio of 15 before I even finish downloading. Is there any way to make it so I don't upload beyond a certain ratio? I tried setting the ratio to 0 in the settings but that just pauses my torrent after it finishes downloading, so I think it only refers about seeding after download, not during it.

I have been using qbittorrent for a few years, and rarely touch the settings, as it has been set up as I needed. A few days ago (Nov. 15 was the frist time I noticed) the new torrents I add, once completed downloading, go into "Completed" status instead of "Seeding". My default settings is that they should seed to a ratio of 2 or for 3 days, and then be deleted, so there should never be "Completed" ones. The worst part is that even after I set them back to Seeding or Forced Seeding, after a few minutes they switch back to Completed and no longer seed. There are active peers for these torrents, so it isn't lack of connections. I have tried a few things with the settings, such as manually setting the ratio, checking/rechecking the torrent queing options, force re-cheking the torrents, and deleting and re-uploading them. Nothing seems to work. I'm especially upset because I am the author of quite a few torrents, so if I am unable to do the initial seed, many people will be unable get the content in a timely fasion.

I have a dedicated mac for torrenting which is connected to an thunderbolt to pcie box with an enterprise ssd in it. This setup has worked just fine for weeks. Yesterday, I tried downloading some torrents and it would go full speed for about 1-2 mins and then drop down to zero. When this happens, qbitorrent doesn't quit unless I force quit the app; and it does not open again after I close it. When I try to open it, the icon just bounces like it's going to open and stops. When I try to shut down or restart, my computer hangs until it forces a restarts and then gives me watchdog in the error log. Theses issues only occur in this exact order. If I open qbit without starting any downloads, it closes fine and my computer doesn't have restart issues.

I have a Qbittorrent Docker container with its network traffic routed through a VPN using a Gluetun container. The Gluetun container seems to do health checks occasionally and if one fails, it disconnects and reconnects automatically. After this disconnect and reconnect, my Qbittorrent stops seeding until I restart the container. Has anyone else run into this problem or found a solution for this?

EDIT 1: Temporary solution I found after discussing here and checking other settings. if you have "Share Ratio Limiting" set to time based, ie stop after x mins of seeding, sonarr will not delete/move the files and torrents. However you set the ratio limit. It works as expected. I tested with setting ratio 0 and it worked fine, I will check with ratio 1 and report back!

If I setup an array with a cache drive, after I download something via torrents it will start seeding. As I understand it, movers will not take action if that file is in use, which means seeding has to stop in order for the mover to move the file from the cache to the array. How can I automate resuming seeding after the move to the array has taken place?

Hi sorry to bother but I'm new to torrenting and have no idea what seeding is. Unfortunately I have limited time to download/ torrent and I don't know how to make it stop or finish seeding? I wasn't aware of it at all so it was seeding all night.

I've just setup qBittorrent as my default client rather than Download Station. I found that in qBit the downloads were sat there seeding for a while after the download so I've set the 'Seeding limits' option to 0 and remove the torrent so that it clears the client but the file stays.

I've noticed if I turn on Torrent Queue in order to limit my number of active torrents, it actually stops seeding anything outside of the Maximum Active Torrents setting number. Is there a way to set that to infinity or all so I can keep all my files seeding?

is it possible to stop seeding a certain file / remove it from the torrent without removing it from the drive or sending it (automatically) to .unwanted so i can seed the rest of the torrent and edit that certain file

Since I was unilaterally removed as a mod by qbpeter based on a lie, I'll let him start handling all the tech support posts. You'll notice he has been largely inactive on the qbittorrent subreddit for the past year. Since I joined I clarified rules, have sorted out loads of spam, and wrote this massive FAQ that qbpeter has now ruined for everyone. I will be posting it on an alternative platform in the near future, and will treat it as a copyrighted work, which I forbid to be posted on this cesspit of a site ever again.

qBittorrent 4.1.7 as of lately stopped working normal and when seeding all of 180 torrents I have, the mouse starts lagging insane. If I stop seeding and just download new torrents, it works normal, and turning off program makes my PC also act normal.

Edit #2: to give an example of a scenario other than "being a bad neighbor by not seeding at all": there was an old series that did not have many seeders, and for a long time, my client could not find all the pieces. By the time my client found all the missing pieces and was able to complete the torrent, my upload ratio had been achieved a few times over, and the torrent stopped as soon as the download was completed. I lost all the subtitles, and had to re-download, which I did outside of Sonarr, and had to manually place the subtitles. They were only a few MB, but again, it took a long time.

So after I download torrents, I rename the folders because I use Plex and I have to rename them for Plex to recognize the files. However, if I do that, then when I am trying to seed the torrent, I keep getting the message "An I/O error occurred for torrent...." How can I prevent this from happening? The only solution I saw when I was looking up this problem on the subreddit was that my hard drive might be too full, but it's not. I want to seed the files to give back, but it seems like I can't if I get this message. Thanks. 17dc91bb1f

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