BabyCubes2022-11-07 18-09-09 ODY5 3840x2160 30fps.mp4

Laser doll cube

BabyRingsDark2022-11-07 18-17-16 QJHF 3200x2400 24fps.mp4

Laser rings

Cyber BabyDoll.mp4

AR intersects

Doll intersex hut 1.mp4

Intersects AR & doubles

I read Otto Ranks' theory from 1916 about The Double and began interchanging the model with its digital version, the augmented with the real. I've using Polycam app on iphone to recreate its duplicate - and re-engage the digital and physical so they are increasingly meshed” through augmented reality - “Digital Dualism versus Augmented Reality” by Nathan Jurgenson in 2012

Germanist Richard M. Meyer was writing in this tradition in 1916 when he described E. T. A. Hoffmann's use of the double-theme as arising from his "longing for a more exalted existence." Meyer stated too that the doubles themselves, "unsure of their identity, are sometimes in- habitants of this earth and sometimes belong to some unearthly region.

dolls shelf
Doll giant
2022-11-08 20-32-46 ODK2 3200x2400 24fps.mp4

Baby circleturn.mp4




Kim Nov 22 - HD 1080p.mp4

Montage of DIY laser footage as VJ Token Girl for DJ mix by Kim Cosmik

Since covid restrictions I have adapted my practice into making livestreamed visuals for Djs in the electro, techno, jungle & drum and bass genres. Occasionally making a full hour visual mix, improvised from home to an audio file they send me. This set is for DJ Kim Cosmik made in November 2022 and combines the recent laser films I made with doubles of the Doll and some sampled 1935 footage by Busby Berkely for Warner of dancing formations including The Shadow Waltz (Gold Diggers)1933.