Get Involved


Volunteer roles include

During festival 

Bump out --- as many hands on deck as possible

If you would like be a volunteer - please fill in this expression of interest form.

**  Expressions of interests will be sought until Feb 1, 2024 ** -- Successful volunteer applicants will be notified shortly thereafter.  

We are currently seeking expressions of interest from First Nations Artists, community organisations and food vendors to hold a stall in the market place for years Dupang Pangari (Coorong Spirit) Festival of sharing culture and healing the spirit

** First Nations stalls are free and will be given priority **

** Art for sale must be handmade or designed by first nations artists **

** We want to minimise our environmental footprint**

** Food vendor stalls need biodegradable packaging and are required to remove the rubbish from the site at the end of the festival**

If you would like a stall in the market place - please fill in this expressions of interest form.

**  Expressions of interests will be sort until Feb 1, 2024 ** -- Successful stall applicants will be notified shortly thereafter.  

For inquiries email