Live Up Your Dreams

I grew up in Da Nang, a small coastal city in Vietnam. In 2007, to pursue a better education, I came to Tacoma, US to earn an Associate degree, and it has become my second hometown.

I have been teaching at UWT since 2016 and have taught a wide range of math classes including statistics, business college algebra, college algebra, Calculus sequence, Differential Equations, Matrix Algebra.

My scholarly interests are, making connections between spatial statistics and graph theory, improving spatial scanning methods in detecting disease clusters, and creating innovative and data-driven pedagogues in mathematics teaching.

Besides work, I enjoy doing community outreach that helps promote sciences and mathematics in local schools. With an effort of inspiring students excited about mathematics through games and activities, I organized the first Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival on UWT campus 2019, and planning to host this event annually. I also enjoy rock climbing as a beginner, cooking Vietnamese food, and talking with people from different cultures to learn more about the world.