To explore how all this can energize your congregation contact:

Pastor James has been working in and leading churches for the past 30 years. He knows first hand the need for the power of God to make the local church flourish.

As a Developer of Congregational Dunamis with PRMI, Rev. Kearny can come to your church to:

Meet with your leadership and prayer teams for mentoring and training.

Assess how Dunamis can help your congregation achieve it's potential.

Help set up a 24 hour taste of Dunamis in an "Ignite'" Retreat.

Help set up a ten-week series of Gateways for your church or your small group(s).

Dunamis Leadership

This ministry is meant to be learned and put into practice within small groups and congregations. The Kingdom is not so much about me and Jesus as it is about we and Jesus.

PRMI has carefully put together a structure of leadership designed to deploy these teachings and lead the ministry. Spirit guided and empowered ministry is best led by a team of leaders so that the move of the Holy Spirit can be discerned together, leaders can be accountable to each other.

Worldwide in scope, PRMI has had a presence in the Pacific Northwest for the past 25 years, offering the Dunamis teaching in conferences and congregations. DFNWUS, Dunamis Fellowship NorthWest US, is a group of Christians around the Pacific Northwest, who are all growing in the teaching and practices taught by PRMI.

Dunamis is a ministry of PRMI, Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International, founded in 1966 to work and pray for the renewal of the Church worldwide.

PRMI's vision is "Exalting Jesus Christ! Igniting the Church in the power of the Holy Spirit under the authority of Scripture."

This ministry is supported by individual and churches, so the services can be freely given. If you would like to enable others to receive this ministry, please give one of two ways.

Online, click here.

By check: make your check out to "PRMI" and put "DCD" in the Memo.

Send to:


PO Box 429

Black Mountain, NC 28711

PRMI is a nonprofit corporation and a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

All donations are tax deductible.