Choir Officers

All students in the choral program must exemplify the Ram Fam Core Values of Respect, Integrity and Engagement. Those within the Senior Choir Council are expected as our student leaders to conduct themselves at the highest levels of professionalism in and outside the classroom. All positions are appointed by Mr. Chesher after the application process. Descriptions are below, application is here: Choir Officer Application

President -

The choir president serves as coordinator of student officers and public liaison for the choir department and is responsible for scheduling and planning regular officer meetings, coordinating choir officer functions and assisting the choir director as needed.

The president with the vice-president leads on all choir initiatives, providing as a positive student role model, assists the choir director and music department, and coordinates the other officers.

Vice President -

Assists the president in their duties and oversees the Robes and Librarian committees in sending and returning scores for choirs. In addition, oversees the setting up and tear down of concert materials (risers, sound, chairs) as needed. With the director, the VP appoints a concert crew.

Secretary -

The secretary takes notes at each officer meeting and then submit them via email to the officers and the director. The secretary will assist the president with scheduling officer meetings and sending reminders. The secretary will help maintain the calendar posted in the classroom.

Librarian -

Manages the choir library, and assists the director in maintaining the musical inventory of the choir department. This position requires time outside of the school day to assist with music management, check-in/check-out. They will also be responsible for helping the directors/officers with program activities as needed.

Publicity/Historian -

Publicity is responsible for communicating with students, the school, and the community concerning choir events through approved social media outlets, school news, and other forums as requested by the Director and the Choir officers. In addition, they will document department activities throughout the school year collecting photos and engaging the community through visual representations of our work on Facebook, Instagram and other media outlets.

Social Chairs -

Fun, fellowship and friendship are what builds our choirs’ unity. Responsible for building relationships between choir members from all ensembles; organizing and running social events with or without the Director. Be a positive source of energy, fun, and connection between ALL members of the choir department, especially those in different choirs.

Robes/Concert Dress -

Two students who help fit students into robes, tuxedos or concert dresses. Must keep records for issue, return and repair. This student will work with the librarian to help track uniforms and assist students with uniform needs. Dubuque Senior has applied for Robes through the Dubuque Racing Association Grant. You will have greater responsibilities with organizing and coordinating the new Robes to our choir family.

Section Leaders -

Knows the score and works with the director to help their section learn their part in the score. Piano skills are a plus but not a requirement.

Ensemble representatives -

As our department grows, each ensemble will have two representatives attending meetings. These representatives will bring ideas and concerns that involve their ensemble specifically, as well as assist officers as needed. Class representatives are expected to be leaders and role models, and assist at choir events.

All officers are expected to help keep the rehearsal room, auditorium, and other performance venues clean after rehearsal, concert or other choir activity.

Meetings occur twice per month to ensure all members are aware of the choir’s initiatives and upcoming concerts and missions.

2022/2023 Officers

President - Conner Frederick

Vice P - Kayla Snyder

Secretary - Lane Stilen

Librarian - Zeph Meier

Publicity/Historian- Nathan Rowe

Uniforms - Lane Stilen

Ensemble Reps - (TBD)

Social Chair Committee- Olivia Gennings and Rayne Johnson