Fundamentals of Conservation Planning 2024 - PRE-COURSE MATERIALS


Please review the materials below and complete the accompanying worksheets and activities prior to attending the Fundamentals of Conservation Planning training. 

These pre-course assignments will help to familiarize you with new topics and allow you to engage them more thoroughly than would be possible in the classroom. Reviewing these resources and completing the associated worksheets will also help set the stage for the material that will be covered during the training. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the materials, please contact Josh Vetter

Please download or print the pre-course worksheet and fill out all questions as they pertain to the activity referenced. This is a "fillable" PDF if you download and save the worksheet. Please bring a copy of your answers to the start of training. 

Fundamentals of Conservation Planning- Questions_ Fillable.pdf

Activity 1:

Soil and Water Conservation Background

Watch the short documentary on soil conservation pioneer Hugh Hammond Bennett, the history of NRCS and soil and water conservation districts and the birth of the private lands’ conservation movement in the U.S. This video will provide a background as to why the Division and Districts exist in North Carolina.

Activity 2:

Introduction to Conservation Planning

Conservation planning is at the heart of the Commission’s conservation programs. We must become strong conservation planners to best serve the cooperators we work for and best use public funds to improve the soil and water of North Carolina. 

Read the Conservation Planning document, review the 9 steps to conservation planning and watch the three short videos to better understand the process of conservation planning and its importance in continuing the conservation success of soil and water conservation districts and partnering organizations. 


Activity 3:

Working with Landowners

The North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission programs are voluntary and are most often implemented by working with private landowners. Please review the information on the GrowMore Program facilitated through National Wildlife Federation. Although this guide references the adoption of soil health practices, the outreach and communication strategies covered are relevant and applicable to working with pastureland practices and cooperators as well. 

Grow More Messaging Guide_2021.pdf

Did you know that the North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts has a grant to implement GrowMore training programs? Contact for more information. 

Activity 4:

Introduction to Resource Concerns

Properly identifying and documenting resource concerns is the first fundamental step in conservation planning. We work with cooperators to solve these issues, and conserve soil and water. Watch the video and review the three Resource Concern Fact Sheets on common pastureland resource concerns. 


Activity 5:

Introduction to Pastureland Best Management Practices


Pasture and Hay Planting

Heavy Use Area

Livestock Pipeline

Prescribed Grazing

Best Management Practices (BMPs) are used as a possible solution to resource concerns. The Soil and Water Conservation Commission as well as the Natural Resources Conservation Service have developed many BMPs that are available to assist cooperators meet their goals and conserve soil and water resources. These videos introduce you to some common pastureland BMPs. 

Spring Development

Stream Crossing

Trails and Walkways

Water Well

Watering Facility

Activity 6:

Introduction to Pasture Condition Scoring

Pasture Condition Scoring is an important tool for evaluating how well a pasture is being managed and resources protected.   Please watch the Guide to Pasture Condition Scoring video below and review the Guide to Pasture Condition Scoring PDF. We will be utilizing the PCS procedure during the Fundamentals of Conservation Planning Training  to evaluate and score several pasture areas.
