
  1. Foundations and Tools of Digital Economy and Cyber-Risks

  • Role of unique e-identifiers

  • Applications of AI, machine learning, Natural Language Processing, Socio-economic network analysis and Big Data approaches for Computational Social Science.

  1. Cyber-Security, Surveillance and Regulation

  • Cyber risks and regulatory frameworks for individual losses (identity/data theft); systemic failures (e-market crashes and monetary systems).

  • E-Solutions: Trust free distributed ledger and block chain technologies; next generation adaptable bio-inspired cybersecurity based on genomic adaptive immune system.

  1. Milestones and AI Aspirations for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

  • Challenges of Digital Divide for E-Govt and FinTEch

  • Indian FinTech experience with Aadhar biometric card


Balaraman Ravindran (IIT Madras)

Bimal Roy (ISI Kolkata)