AI, Cyber Risks and Data Science for FinTech and Digital Economy

Growing digitization of information, communication transmission, industrial production and regulatory networks, is ushering in both opportunities and challenges. While digitization has vastly reduced costs for duplication with high fidelity, and also for information to be processed, stored and relayed at high speed in real time, the Achilles heel of such systems is that they can be hacked. Digital technology can democratize access to information and services with mobile apps and peer-peer platforms. However, there is a digital divide in that the disruptive transformation of a primarily analog economy can leave many behind. Focusing on IT developments in the UK and India, the workshop will provide policy insights for balanced economic growth wherein sustainability and robustness of the digital economy depend on cybersecurity and regulations in place.


  1. Foundations and Tools of Digital Economy and Cyber-Risks

  • Role of unique e-identifiers

  • Applications of AI, machine learning, Natural Language Processing, Socio-economic network analysis and Big Data approaches for Computational Social Science.

2. Cyber-Security, Surveillance and Regulation

  • Cyber risks and regulatory frameworks for individual losses (identity/data theft); systemic failures (e-market crashes and monetary systems).

  • E-Solutions: Trust free distributed ledger and block chain technologies; next generation adaptable bio-inspired cybersecurity based on genomic adaptive immune system.

3. Milestones and AI Aspirations for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

  • Challenges of Digital Divide for E-Govt and FinTEch

  • Indian FinTech experience with Aadhar biometric card