Data Science and Complex Systems Group @ KIAS
KIAS Fellow (5+2 years) position in School of Computational Sciences (announcement) is open with deadline April 18, 2025.
Openings for research fellow positions will be announced in spring 2025.
Openings for research fellow positions will be announced in spring 2025.
We are a group based in School of Computational Sciences at Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) investigating the large-scale data-sets of macroscopic complex systems in various disciplines to establish their underlying mathematical and physical principles.
Macroscopic complex systems consist of a large number of interacting elements for which their full Hamiltonian or dynamical equations at the microscopic level are either hard to write down or not so useful for deciphering their emergent behaviors, contrasted to the systems of high degree of symmetry or homogeneity. The examples are biological cells, ecological communities, social networks, and economic systems, the large-scale data-sets of which are fortunately available in this era of big data.
To extract quantitative and verifiable principles of those systems from the empirical data analysis and iteratively guide the latter, it is essential to develop mathematical models, for which the fundamental theoretical results and methods of statistical physics, network science, and data science are applied, such as the mean-field theory, stochastic processes, critical phenomena, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, graph theory, neural networks, and so on.
Currently, the research topics of the group are wide ranging, including the intricate wiring of chemical reactions in the cellular metabolism, the interspecific interactions in ecological communities, human mobility, the spatiotemporal patterns of disease spreading, the value distributions in international trade, and so on.
Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences
12/18 - 12/20 KIAS-KU Intensive Workshop: AI and Higher-Order Interactions (Web )
11/4 - 11/8/2024 KIAS-KU International workshop: Theoretical Challenges in Network Science (Web )
9/4/2024 Dr. Eddie Lee (Complexity Science Hub) Following the thread of information: Insights from armed conflict, online reading, and innovation-obsolescence (Announcement )
7/29/2024 Dr. Jibeom Choi (Kyung Hee Univ.) Spatial simulation of autologous cell defection for cancer treatment (Announcement)
7/8/2024 Prof. Ulf Dieckmann (OIST) Complex adaptive systems at the interface of ecology, evolution, and socio-economic dynamics (Announcement)
5/20/2024 Dr. Sanjukta Krishnagopal (UC Berkeley&LA) Networks and higher-order modeling of society and opinions (Announcement)
5/7/2024 Mr. Jaeseok Hur (KAIST) Interplay of network structure and talent configuration on wealth dynamics & Money emergence with multi-agent reinforcement learning (Announcement)
3/26/2024 Dr. Bukyoung Jhun (CEU) Inference and reconstruction of latent macroscopic structure in complex networks (Announcement)
2/26/2024 Dr. Emil Mallmin (MPI) Rare fluctuations in nonequilibrium steady states (Announcement)
12/18/2023 Dr. Min-Kyung Chae (NIMS) Evaluation of COVID‑19 intervention policies in South Korea using the stochastic individual‑based model (Announcement)
11/20/2023 Prof. Hayoun Lee (USC) Immune cell identification and classification with single cell RNA sequening data (Announcement )
10/6/2023 Prof. Youngjoo Cho (Konkuk U.) Statistical modeling : theory and applications (Announcement)
9/25-9/28/2023 Vermont-KIAS Workshop: Group Interactions in Network Science (webpage)
8/2 - 8/6/2023 Statphys28 Satellite Meeting: New Frontiers in Complex Networks (webpage )
7/30 - 31/2023 KIAS-KENTECH Mini Workshop (webpage )
3/14 - 3/17/2023 KIAS-Vermont Workshop (webpage)
3/8 - 3/9/2023 MEEW2023 (webpage)
10/27 - 10/29/2022 Modeling on Ecology and Evolution Workshop (MEEW2022) (webpage )
09/26 - 09/30/2022 KIAS-KU International workshop: Theoretical Challenges in Network Science (registration by 09/14, webpage)
08/02/2022 Prof. Jinhyuk Yun (Soongsil U.) Analysis of risk propagation using the world trade network (Announcement )
7/20/2022 Prof. Euncheol Shin (KAIST) Strategic Sophistication and Collective Action: Theory and Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic (Announcement )
6/27/2022 Dr. Yongsun Lee (KENTECH) Brief introduction to graph convolutional networks (Announcement )
6/27/2022 Dr. Jongshin Lee (KENTECH) (k,q)-core percolation process on hypergraphs (Announcement )
6/16/2022 Prof. Young-ho Eom (Univeristy of Seoul) Characterizing the structure and dynamics of urban traffic flow: The case of Seoul (Announcement )
8/20/2021 KIAS Public health sciences workshop (Web)
8/9 & 8/11/2021 Dr. Ryo Hanai (APCTP) Non-reciprocal phase transitions (part 1 , part 2 )
7/30/2021 Dr. Kookyoung Han (UNIST) A reputation game on cyber-security and cyber-risk calibration (Announcement )
7/7/2021 Dr. Hyun-Gyu Lee (Korea Univ.) Neighbor-enhanced motility of breast cancer cells (Announcement )
6/23-6/25/2021 KIAS workshop on Complex Systems and Data Science (Web)
4/28/2021 Dr. Sungmin Hwang (CFM) Jamming in multilayer supervised learning models (Announcement)
3/24/2021 Dr. Matthieu Barbier (CIRAD) Disordered systems and simplicity in many-species ecological dynamics (Announcement)
12/1/2020 Prof. Hye Jin Park (APCTP) Extinction dynamics from meta-stable coexistences in ecological systems (Announcement )
Current members
Prof. Deok-Sun Lee (Professor at Comp. Sci. & CAINS, 9/1/2020 - present, CV Google Scholar Researchgate ORCID)
Dr. Hyun Gyu Lee (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci., 10/1/2021 - present, Google Scholar )
Dr. Andrus Giraldo Munoz (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci., 1/25/2022 - present, Google Scholar)
Dr. Gangmin Son (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci., 3/1/2024 - present, Google Scholar)
Dr. Jibeom Choi (Sejong Science Fellow at Comp. Sci., 1/1/2025 - present, Google Scholar )
Dr. Taeyoung Kim (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci., 3/1/2025 - present, Google Scholar)
Dr. Joon-Hyuk Ko (Research Fellow at CAINS, 3/1/2025 - present, Google Scholar )
Long-term visitors
Prof. Hyeong-Chai Jeong, Dept. Phys., Sejong Univ. (Affiliate Professor at Comp. Sci, 5/1/2024 - present, Sejong Univ. profile)
Prof. Juyong Park, Grad. Sch., Culture Technology, KAIST (Visiting Professor at Comp. Sci, 2/24/2025 - present, KAIST profile)
Prof. Sangwoon Yun, Math. Edu., SKKU (Visiting Professor at Comp. Sci, 3/1/2025 - present, SKKU profile )
@KIAS (2020~)
Dr. Sudo Yi, KENTECH (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci., 3/1/2021 - 2/28/2025, Google Scholar)
Ms. Jihye Kim, Korea Univ. (Graduate student fellow at Comp. Sci. 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024, Google Scholar)
Dr. Min-Kyung Chae, KDCA, Korea (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci. 9/16/2024 - 11/17, Google Scholar )
Prof. Hyeong-Chai Jeong, Dept. Phys., Sejong Unversity (Visiting Professor at Comp. Sci, 9/1/2023 - 2/28/2024)
Dr. Seong-Gyu Yang, Umeå University, Sweden (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci., 2/1/2023 - 3/31/2024, Web)
Prof. Eunho Koo, Dept. Big Data Convergence, Chonnam Nat'l Univ. (Research fellow at CAINS, 3/1/2022 - 2/29/2024, Google Scholar)
Dr. Seungwoong Ha, Santa Fe Institute, USA (Research fellow at Comp. Sci., 3/16/2023 - 6/16/2023, Web)
Prof. Jongmin Lee, Dept. Statistics, Pusan Nat'l Univ. (Research fellow at CAINS, 9/1/2022 - 2/28/2023, Web)
Mr. Nicolas Errandonea (Visiting student, 7/18/2022 -8/26/2022 )
Dr. Sudo Yi, KENTECH (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci., 3/1/2021 - 2/28/2025, Google Scholar)
Ms. Jihye Kim, Korea Univ. (Graduate student fellow at Comp. Sci. 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024, Google Scholar)
Dr. Min-Kyung Chae, KDCA, Korea (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci. 9/16/2024 - 11/17, Google Scholar )
Prof. Hyeong-Chai Jeong, Dept. Phys., Sejong Unversity (Visiting Professor at Comp. Sci, 9/1/2023 - 2/28/2024)
Dr. Seong-Gyu Yang, Umeå University, Sweden (Research Fellow at Comp. Sci., 2/1/2023 - 3/31/2024, Web)
Prof. Eunho Koo, Dept. Big Data Convergence, Chonnam Nat'l Univ. (Research fellow at CAINS, 3/1/2022 - 2/29/2024, Google Scholar)
Dr. Seungwoong Ha, Santa Fe Institute, USA (Research fellow at Comp. Sci., 3/16/2023 - 6/16/2023, Web)
Prof. Jongmin Lee, Dept. Statistics, Pusan Nat'l Univ. (Research fellow at CAINS, 9/1/2022 - 2/28/2023, Web)
Mr. Nicolas Errandonea (Visiting student, 7/18/2022 -8/26/2022 )
@Dept. Physics, Inha University (~ 2020)
Mr. Hyun Woo Lee , under Prof. Jae Woo Lee at Inha University (MS: 9/1/2019 - 8/31/2021)
Prof. Mi Jin Lee, Dept. Applied Physics, Hanyang University (postdoc; 3/1/2017 - 8/31/2020)
Dr. Hyung-Ha Yoo (MS: 3/1/2014 - 2/28/2016, PhD: 3/1/2016 - 2/29/2020)
Mr. Sung-Gook Choi, Korea Securities Depository (BS: 9/1/2016 - 2/28/2017, MS: 3/1/2017 - 8/31/2019)
Mr. Min Seok Kim (MS: 3/1/2017 - 2/28/2019)
Mr. Heung Kyung Kim, Mesh Korea, Co. Ltd. (MS: 3/1/2017 - 2/28/2019)
Mr. Jaegu Kyoung (MS course: 3/1/2013-9/23/2017 incomplete)
Mr. Seong-Seok Lee (BS: 1/1/2015 - 2/28/2017)
Dr. Seong Eun Maeng, BizData, Korea (postdoc: 3/1/2016 -2/28/2017 )
Dr. Kanghun Kim, Hana Financial Investment, Korea (postdoc: 2/1/2014 - 4/26/2016)
Mr. Chang-Young Oh, ASML Korea, Co. Ltd., Korea (BS: 3/1/2014 - 5/31/2015)
Mr. Gyeong-Gyun Ha, King's College London, UK (MS: 3/1/2014 - 8/31/2015)
Dr. Matthieu Barbier, CIRAD, France (postdoc: 1/1/2013 - 4/12/2014)
Research area
Network physics
Hypergraphs, Structural heterogeneity, Dynamical systems, Percolation, Biconnected components, Spectral dimension and first-passage processes, Avalanche dynamicsData science
International trade, Ecological communities, Facility optimization, Kinetic wealth exchange models, Human mobility, Disease networks and comorbiditySystems biology
Cross-species cellular metabolism, Proteome in growing bacteria, Antiboitic target discovery, Transcriptional regulatory networks, Tumor vasculature modelingSurface growth
Roughening, Imbibition, Distribution of extremes, Bethe Ansatz solutions
Deok-Sun Lee's Google Scholar
Contact information
Deok-Sun Lee, Ph.D
School of Computational Sciences
Korea Institute for Advanced Study
85 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu
Seoul 02455, Korea
Phone: 82-2-958-3881