
RST analyses (done at the tutorial):

English: Max, Georgia, and I-dont-know

Hindi: Hin-1-2

Reference on correspondence between discourse structure theories:

Sanders, T., Demberg, V., Hoek, J., Scholman, M., Asr, F.T., Zufferey, S., and Evers-Vermeul, J. (2021). Unifying dimensions in coherence relations: How various annotation frameworks are related. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 17(1), 1-71.

Reference on comparing two RST analyses:

Marcu, D. (2000). The Rhetorical Parsing of Unrestricted Texts: A Surface Based Approach, Computational Linguistics, 26(3): 395–448.

RSTevaL: A tool to compare two RST analyses

Reference on how many discourse relations are good for text analysis:

Eduard H. (1990). Parsimonious and Profligate Approaches to the Question of Discourse Structure Relations. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Natural Language Generation.