Topic List

General multidisciplinary topics

  • Urban analytics: spatial statistics, geographical information science, computational modelling, visualization, geo-computation, remote sensing, agent-based modelling, mathematical modelling, complex systems, crowdsourcing, city science, big data, optimization, etc.

  • Qualitative studies: urban planning, urban design, urban fabric, social science, associative tissue, political approaches, and implications, etc.

  • Integration of quantitative and qualitative studies.

Data sources and their ecosystem

  • Description of relevant sources (static and real time): population, services, housing, economy, city shape and infrastructures, transport, traffic density and congestion, air quality, bike use, pedestrian density, tourist activity, etc.

  • Open sources: municipal data portals, Open Street Maps (OSM), DaaS (Google, Uber, SafeGraph like services, etc.), online social networks (Twitter, Instagram, etc.), IoT, etc.

  • Private data repositories and data silos.

Urban planning and socio-demographic analysis

  • Structure of the city and their implications: socio-economic analysis of residents, effective neighborhoods, renting costs, estimation of floating populations, heat island effect, greenhouse emissions, pollution, city's "metabolism" (water, electricity, communications)

  • Dynamical processes occurring in the city and their implications: gentrification processes, residence mobility between neighborhoods and their determinants, implications of commuting citizens, interplay between local structure and mobility, spatial justice, interplay between virtual social networks and urban life, etc.

  • Modelling motorized traffic (origin-destination matrices and their implications in the socio-economic strata, routes, fundamental diagram, etc.), road network and their efficiency, congestion (modeling and countermeasures such as congestion pricing), parking, modelling public transport (design, real time use, origin-destination matrices, analysis of routes), mobility across the urban-rural continuum, multimodal mobility.

  • Paradigms of urban planning: Superilles, eixos verds, 15-minute city, effective neighborhoods, distribution of services, etc.

  • New approaches of urban planning and governance: Right to the City, direct democracy, participation, citizen science, etc.

Sustainable, responsible, universal, and healthy mobility

  • Modelling the use of bicycles, Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMV) and pedestrian mobility: structural layout of sidewalk networks, congestion, routes, walkability, dependent factors, safety, etc.

  • Safety and efficiency view through digitalization, artificial intelligence, remote sensing techniques, etc.

  • Mobility as a service. Challenges of new MaaS platforms, new governance models, interaction with public and private transport models, autonomous vehicles.

Citizen health and their relation to the urban environment

  • Healthy mobility: active mobility, urban epidemics (including addictions), public and green spaces, state-of-the-art in Barcelona, political projects, etc.

  • Environmental pollution (air pollution, noise, asbestos) and implications to the citizens.

  • Contribution at urban scale to global and planetary health.