
Jordi Honey Roses (shared slides)

Title: City Lab Barcelona.

In the presentation I will outline the research themes and questions that we will be working on in the months ahead. We are particularly interested in measuring the impacts of urban interventions, such as the School Streets program being developed by the City of Barcelona. We are conducting this evaluation and I will share some early results of the impacts of the street calming projects on the use of public space. I am also interested in urban experiments and would like to present the results of an urban experiment we conducted in Vancouver. Lastly, our group is developing a citizen science application for Urban Cyclists and I would like to present that ongoing work.

Lídia Montero (shared slides)

Title: Anàlisi de flux de persones en xarxes de transport multimodals a partir de fusió de dades de diverses fonts

El món està canviant, i no només en aspectes de mobilitat. Les tecnologies, les dades i el nombre d'aplicacions augmenten. Els hàbits socials i de mobilitat i els models econòmics estan canviant. La sostenibilitat i l'equitat són noves preocupacions. En el sector de la mobilitat és vital veure com està canviant el món i detectar reptes i oportunitats per assolir els objectius proposats.

En el passat l'estimació de la mobilitat de les persones pel que fa als orígens i destinacions, es feu a partir de enquestes de mobilitat i les dades eren escasses. Les noves fonts ofereixen maneres barates i flexibles d'incloure la mobilitat en dies tipus a l'ecosistema de planificació i mobilitat urbana.

Les noves modalitats de mobilitat, el concepte porta a porta i la digitalització de la mobilitat són alguns dels nous reptes del full de ruta cap a una mobilitat sostenible centrada en la tecnologia i les persones. Aquests nous conceptes impliquen intrínsecament quantificació i mesura. Sense dades, serà impossible fer un seguiment i donar resposta a les noves demandes i necessitats dels usuaris.

Julian Vicens (shared slides)

Title: Mission-oriented research to understand socio-technical systems

This talk presents some relevant mission-oriented projects, a selection that covers different research topics and methodologies. Some examples of the projects that will be detailed are the optimization of bike-sharing systems to make micro-mobility more sustainable or the engagement of citizens by means of artistic and participatory practices to fight misinformation in different socio-technical contexts. The talk will also introduce a new project that aims at helping citizens make decisions based on evidences by creating a toolkit that will take citizen science projects into citizen assemblies.

Rosa Borge (shared slides)

Title: Extension and success of participatory platforms: local and country-level explanatory factors.

With my research group and colleagues, we have studied the implementation of the Decidim platform by the Catalan City Councils over the last seven years. This platform is a standard for online participation worldwide, with over one million registered users in 40 countries. We have discovered the main factors and obstacles related to their implementation and full development for enhancing participation. The platform’s adoption raises critical tensions within the local public administrations between a more technocratic and managerial model for the implementation and a more disruptive model of participatory democracy. Our goal is to build a database to analyse more systematically and quantitatively the factors that can influence citizen participation on the platform in Catalonia, Spain and the world. The dependent variables will be related to citizens’ and local administrations’ behaviour, and the explanatory variables will be municipalities’ and countries’ characteristics.

Júlia Miralles de Imperial Pujol (shared slides)

Title: L’Ajuntament de Barcelona i la seva vinculació amb la recerca: centres, convocatòries de recerca i projectes de ciència ciutadana.

Fernando Cucchietti

Title: An Urban Digital Twin

At the Barcelona Supercomputing Center we are working towards creating a digital twin of a city: A computer system that connects data, simulators, and interfaces, that could allow us to answer complex questions about a city. We will present our high level perspective, theoretical framework, and demonstrations, and will discuss our current and future plans, including our research on the 15-minute city and related quality of life concepts, the urban circular economy, and the impact of urban decisions on the different socio-demographic groups.

Oriol Marquet Sardà

Title: From micromobility to the use of the 15-minute city. Examining mobility and accessibility through multiple data sources

I will be presenting on the recent research advances by the GEMOTT research group at ICTA-UAB. The focus of the presentation will be on the triangulation of data sources to advance our knowledge on travel behavior, micromobility use, and accessibility, using Barcelona as a case study. Our group is interested in exploring the links between the urban form and travel behavior and has developed a series of methods in the past such as travel surveys, EMA, and GPS-accelerometry that allow us for a more holistic approach to mobility and transportation. I will be discussing the strengths and limitations of some of these approaches while describing the contents of some of our latest research projects.