Aim and Objectives

Since the beginning of global urbanization, scholars have focused on understanding how cities affect the behavior of their residents and how spaces can be designed to adjust function. The emergence of urban science is more recent but many of the fundamental questions remain partially unanswered.

Designing, explaining, and measuring the spatial structure of the city in terms of its form and function is one of the main goals of urban science. Yet, cities are better understood as an intricate assemblage of complex adaptive systems, often with competing objectives: “cities are not zero-sum games” in Bettencourt’s words.

Classically studied in different disciplines - social physics, urban economics, transportation research, urban and regional planning, and human geography among others – the concept of urban science brings interdisciplinarity to the center: gathering scholars from diverse disciplines is fundamental for urban science to progress.

In this workshop, Data Science in/for Barcelona (DS4BCN), rather than developing general theories of urbanization, we will address the specifics of the city of Barcelona. DS4BCN aims to create a space of dialogue between qualitative and quantitative works that take the city of Barcelona as their focus.

An detailed topic list may be consulted >>here<<

Key information:

  • Date of the event: November 30th

  • Venue of the event: Hotel Four Points (Avinguda Diagonal, 161, 163, 08018 Barcelona)

  • Attendance is free (upon space availability)

  • Please register before 10th of November: here! (Closed)

Program overview

Venue (tentative)

Four Points by Sheraton Barcelona Diagonal

Avinguda Diagonal, 161-163

08018 Barcelona

Organizing Committee

Albert Solé Ribalta - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Javier Borge Holthoefer - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Clément Rames - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya